
Aalto Family Day 2022

Come spend a joyful day on campus - Let's have fun together! Aalto University warmly welcomes personnel and alumni with their families to the Aalto campus on the 10th of September, 2022.
Aalto Family Day 2022

The eventful and exciting day will be filled with activities, demos, mini lectures, workshops and exhibitions for the whole family. Would you like to learn to draw like an engineer, or challenge your family in a car track race? Or would you be interested in hearing about a trip to Antarctica, embarking on a virtual voyage into space, or taking part in a marshmallow challenge? How about a free dance class? Aalto Family Day is all this and much more.

From Food & Co restaurant and café A Bloc, other restaurants in the shopping mall you can buy lunch or small sweet and salty for the whole family. 

Join us for a fun and interesting day. Alumni can sign up at here and the whole Aalto personnel is invited.

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By using our app, you can:

  • get easy access to whole programme with descriptions of all the activities, workshops and lectures
  • customise your own programme according to your interests
  • check the event area maps
  • get to know the presenters
  • interact with us on real time via the message wall and leave feedback

Sneak peek at the programme (click on the titles for further information):


Some programme highlights especially for children

    Mimi ja kuku

    Laughter and the joy of singing and playing will be brought by Mimi princess and Kuku lion famous from tv.

    LEGO cars

    How fast can you produce LEGO cars? Do they meet quality standards? Join us for a hands-on experience in the basics of production economics, where we explore the effects of organizing, and impact of production planning and control.

    Lähikuva käsistä, jotka kiinnittävät kankaasta tehtyjä kukkia kanaverkkoon

    In Aalto University Junior’s Pollinator's Delight exhibition textile waste is turned into a community art piece representing the importance of the meadows. Meadow plants are made of textile waste by cutting, knotting, sewing or embroidering. Participants' plants are forming a huge fabric meadow.

    Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulun perhepäivän Tutkija Piin esitys, kuva: Tuomas Sauliala

    Researcher Pii lands on the stage of the Family Day from the space to make science tricks. Pii combines materials so that there will be amazing results to see. 

    Kädet taittelevat värikästä origamikuuutiota, taustalla origamikuutio sekä tähtimäistetty oktaedri

    Come and join folding simple origami models and discover their mathematical power. No previous experience in origami is needed. Activity is available non-stop.


    Come build the highest possible tower with limited materials. You can participate alone, but it’s more fun to challenge someone to a competition!

    Aalto University / Kids trying out a VR Space demo / photo: Annamari Tolonen

    At our Space Walk virtual reality you can enjoy computer simulation results developed for space science and technology by using VR glasses. You can fly to the Sun, planets, the Moon and a comet. You can also explore 3D models of many fascinating spacecraft.

    Aalto University / Slot car race track / photo: Annamari Tolonen

    Come and test are you speedier than your pair! There are own bicycles for adults and children. Two bicycles are used at the same time to generate electricity to car race track.

    Horizon fuel cell car

    Come to build up and drive small hydrogen cars. You will see and research how the sustainable fuel cell works.

    Art Machine

    Come to design your own art machine. You will learn skills in art, technology and electronics. Get to know the possibilities of electronic construction through examples of contemporary art.

    Draw like an engineer lego

    In this workshop in Kipsari you will learn to draw like an engineer and hear why it is so important for engineers to know how to draw.

    Some demo highlights


      The possibilities and uses for 3D printing in manufacturing and in medicine. Parts vary from industrial to medical parts, such as personalized implants and preoperative models for surgery. The collection is one widest in Finland.

      Ioncell-kuituja kierrätysmateriaalista

      Come to see Ioncell fibers, yarns, and fabrics made from wood pulp and textile waste. Ioncell researchers will tell you more about the technology that turns used textiles, pulp or even old newspapers and cardboard into new textile fibers without harmful chemicals. The process converts cellulose into fibers which in turn can be made into long-lasting fabrics. Ioncell is a sustainable alternative for textile production and it doesn’t overconsume our planet’s precious natural resources. 

      Putretti fertiliser Photo: Anne Kinnunen

      Putretti® is a new organic fertilizer that is produced from local material flows: compost and wood ash. It can be used for forest fertilization, in agriculture, soil improvement or landscaping. The production process consumes fewer natural resources and less energy, while the amount of landfill waste is reduced.  

      crystallized material in ammonia salt

      Professor Anna Mikola presents Npharvest, a solution for converting wastewater nutrients into eco-friendly fertilizer. Resource recovery in the wastewater treatment process opens the possibility to convert the carbon footprint of the treatment significantly positive – by recovery and recycling carbon emissions can be avoided.  

      Sample images from FLIR cameras

      Come and see how you feel! Thermal Imaging and Facial Emotion Recognition methods give you instant feedback about your emotions and facial temperature levels. See your smile and your thermal hand print.

      Aalto University / Aalto satellite / photo: Mikko Raskinen

      Aalto University has launched already four own satellites. The satellites are developed and tested at Aalto Small Satellite Lab. Come and see, the equipment which is used for developing and testing the satellites, take a look at satellite models and talk with people who work with satellites every day.


      How to get your hand to work if you have not real hand? Now it is possible by using sensors and AI to live "normal life".

      FINIX demo

      Circular economy is here, but do you know what needs to change? Come and test yourself with researchers from FINIX - sustainable textile system project.

      Arts wearable electronic gloves

      Prof. Yu Xiao presents CPR smart gloves that can be used in Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. Smart gloves measure and control the patient’s movements. 

      Wood-based structural shimmering wood colour has no colour pigments. Photo: Valeria Azovskaya

      Shimmering wood is glitter-like nano cellulose that glimmers wonderfully. It can be made from wood sustainably. Come to find out more about shimmering wood and see the spectacular colors.

      Aerostatic bearing

      Air bearing gives frictionless motion. Test yourself how easily 10 kg weight can levitate on top of a thin air film.

      Some activity highlights

        Old cell phones

        Recycling phones and tablets: drop-off point

        Before bringing your old device to the recycling point, remove all data by resetting it to the factory settings: 
        Remove data in Android
        Remove data in iPhone

        If your device is broken and won’t turn on, it can be recycled as it is.

        HSY containers for used textiles

        Bring your unusable clothing and household textiles to end-of-life textile trolleys offered by HSY, Helsinki Region Environmental Services. End-of-life textiles collection is the right place for dry, unusable clothing and household textiles. The textiles should be dry and packed in plastic bags or sacks to prevent them from getting dirty and wet. You'll find the containers at Väre Lobby and A-Bloc next to K-Market.

        Attitude dance studio

        Attitude Dance Studio arranges 15 minutes shows: see what you could achieve taking classes there! At 10.45-11 and 11.45-12 in front of Väre.

        In addition, you can book a free dance class here. You can pick a lesson taking place at A Bloc, Otaniementie on 10 September and use the code FAMILYDAY to book it.

        Photo: Mia K photography

        Shimmering Wood sneaker by Noora Yau & Konrad Klockars Photo: Kalle Kataila

        Experience and explore what Life 1.5 could be! The science & design festival Designs for a Cooler Planet open to everyone 7.9-12.10., celebrates experiments in planet-friendly materials, fashion and food. The exhibition consists of over 20 projects that combine research and design and show that sustainable future is much more than just compromises.


        Come knit Aalto socks with us! In Knitting Garage you can ask any questions about Aalto sock patterns and get help to cast on. Or just join us for a relaxing moment of knitting. Both beginners and more experienced knitters are warmly welcome! Bring your own yarn and needles. See the Aalto sock patterns.

        Professor Mari Lundström with Tesla / Photo: Pertti Kauranen

        Come to test electrical vehicles! Tesla, Mercedes Benz, Polestar and Maxus; cars as well as electrical bicycles, scooters and motorcycles. There will be mini-Teslas for children. Want to see your child is driving a "real Tesla"?

        Career Design Lab illustration

        What do you want to do when you grow up? Create possible futures using career design tools, no matter what’s your age! Read more:

        Autonominen A!ex-auto kuvattuna valoisassa autohallissa ympärillään viisi tutkijaa kesäisissä vaatteissa ja kasvoillaan maskit. Valkoisen auton katolla on tekninen laite ja auton tavaratilan kansi on ylhäällä.

        Lexus is connected to Aalto´s own 5G Network to help self driving. You can sit in the car and see how it works. Get on board Aalto's self driving car!

        Flower waste

        Give a new life to discarded flowers by turning them into lovely postcards of your own design. We will introduce you to different kinds of flowers, guide you through the basics of handmade paper making, and everyone will get to decorate your postcard with fresh flowers. No previous experience in paper making is required. Postcards can be taken home right after the workshop.

        Chemarts Cookbook cover

        Come and try some recipes from our cookbook!

        The CHEMARTS Cookbook is a book about wood- and plant-based materials, especially cellulose, aiming to inspire future professionals to explore the potential.

        Saxtronauts saksofoniyhtyeen avaruusseikkailu vierailee Metsähovin radio-observatoriossa 10. syyskuuta

        Visit Saxtronauts' saxophonic Space adventure in Metsähovi Radio Observatory in Kirkkonummi to experience an amazing dialogue between music and astronomy!

        More information and registration for a tour starting at 17:00.
        Places will be filled in the order of registration.

        Aalto Ice Tank, Photo: Mikko Raskinen

        Aalto Ice and Wave Tank is a multipurpose facility ideally suited for testing ships and other maritime structures in ice conditions. This facility is unique in the world because of its dimensions and its large width in particular. Come and visit the Ice and Wave Tank! Excursions leave every 45 minutes from the BIZ and TUAS building lobbies.
        Interested in ice research? Don’t forget prof. Jukka Tuhkuri’s exciting travel story from Antarctica at BIZ lecture hall on 11:15 and 14:15.

        Highlights of the lectures

          Aalto Junior

          Come and hear at School of Business about Aalto University Junior activities for kids, youth and families. There are also something special for your school teacher to deliver.

          hanna renvall ai mind biomag

          Overlapping voices, a phone ringing at the background - what happens in our brains when we hear sounds around us? Come to hear at School of Business.

          Ivan Vujaklija bionic limb

          Professor Ivan Vujaklija gives at the School of Business a lecture about prosthetic arm and wearable robotics.

          Entrepreunial mindset

          Discover the Entrepreneur In You. Peter Kelly gives a talk about entrepreunial mindset at the School of Business.

          metallien kierrätys

          Western countries are trying to tackle climate change by increasing the share of electric cars and the use of renewable energy. In addition to electrification and green energy utilization, the progress of digitalization is also exceptionally fast. Electric cars, renewable energy and digitalization depend on the utilization of metals. Do we have enough raw materials to produce all these metals? Come to listen and find out what is being researched at Aalto to ensure the sufficiency of raw materials in the future at the School of Business.

          Urban transportation

          Urban mobility is changing in front of our eyes. Fuel prices are rising. Electric scooters are being parked on the sidewalks. Intersections are being redesigned. These and many other changes are in the focus of transport planners - engineers that have to understand many aspects - from human behavior to legislation. Aalto University is educating this new generation of multidisciplinary engineers to transform urban mobility for the benefit of people and the planet. At the School of Business.

          Kaksi tutkijaa jäällä makuulla kuvaamassa pingviinejä. Taustalla näkyy ihmisiä ja tutkimusalus

          Aalto University is conducting arctic marine and ice research in Antarctic waters. What does that mean and why are we doing that? Photos of penguins will be shown. Professor Jukka Tuhkuri at the School of Business.

          Permafrost Keskikorsu

          Permafrost stores twice as much CO2 as is in the atmosphere of the Earth. It thaws and releases CO2 and methane due to climate change. This presentation showcases some of the findings in artistic research by Mari Keski-Korsu in Abisko Scientific Research Station in sub-arctic Sweden. Keski-Korsu attempts to explore the environmental change and human-more-than-human relations with walking methods, specifically walking barefoot on the permafrost.

          Useful information

          This event will be photographed for Aalto University communications and marketing purposes.
          If you wish not to be in the photos, please inform the photographer during the event.

          See below how we process data for university communications and how to get to the campus.
          All parking places with the sign ‘Aalto-yliopiston luvalla’ with permission of Aalto University are available.


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          Aalto University
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          Area maps, full program, feedback form etc. (Pin 2076)


          Nicoletta Michieletto


          Susanna Ritala

          Manager, Alumni Lifewide Learning and Community Development
          Aalto Family Day 2022
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