
Aalto Doctoral Orientation Days 5.-6.6.2023

Two-day event that provides essential information on doctoral education and each doctoral programme for new doctoral students, with a range of topics including research data management, planning your studies and career and experiences from graduated Doctors. By participating in the orientation tutor groups you can meet other doctoral students from all doctoral programmes.

It is highly recommended for all new doctoral students to join the Orientation - and older students are very welcome to participate too. Aalto Doctoral Orientation Days are organised three times a year.
Aalto logo standing in purple coloured lights


Day I: Monday 5.6.2023 9:30-16:45, Q101, Väre, Otaniementie 14 + social programme

9:30-11:00        Welcome!       
9:30-9:50          Welcome to Aalto University! Vice President (Education) Petri Suomala; Head of Learning Services Eija Zitting 
9:50-10:50       Starting your doctoral studies, Service Manager Minna Söderqvist & Planning Officer Tiina Kotti, Doctoral Education Services
10:50-11:00      Presenting student tutors

11:00-12:30     Tutor groups meet*, lunch (self-paid)           

12:30-14:00      Schools’ programme for CHEM, ELEC, ENG & SCI students**

CHEM: Hall Ke3, Kemistintie 1 
ELEC: Hall TU6, Maarintie 8 
ENG: L102, Väre, Otaniementie 14 
SCI: Deloitte (U119), Otakaari 1

14:15-16:00      Practicalities and experiences
14:15-14:30    Wellbeing for doctoral students, Specialist Laura Miettinen
14:30-14:45      Career Design Lab, Manager Aila Saloranta
14:45-15:00      Turnitin originality check and how to use it, Specialist Luis Costa
15:00-15:15      Student Union AYY, Mantė Žygelytė, Tuulia Telin
15:15-15:30      Doctoral students’ association Aallonhuiput, doctoral student Tejas Kotha
15:30-15:45      Employee representatives and trade unions, stop steward Stina Giesecke, Finnish Union for University Researchers and Teachers FUURT

16:00-16:45      Panel discussion with recently / soon to be graduated Doctors

Bernadetta Ginting-Szczesny, BIZ
Elisabet Lahti, SCI
Joonas Lehtovaara, ENG

From 17:00 onwards social programme with doctoral researcher association Aallonhuiput at Otakaari 20: small barbeque, other snacks and drinks, and a sauna for those wanting to go. The event is open for older doctoral researchers as well. 

Day II: Tuesday 6.6.2023 9:15-12:00, Mordor, A Grid, Otakaari 5

9:15-9:35          Moving to Finland, HR International Mobility team
9:35-10:00        Aalto newcomers: Welcome to Finland, Helsinki, Espoo and Aalto! Service Manager Minna Söderqvist, Doctoral Education Services

10:15-12:00      Research services for doctoral students
10:15-10:50     Research ethics, Senior Advisor Annukka Jyrämä 
10:50-11:05     Open science in Aalto University, Information Specialist Katri Seitsonen
11:15-11:30     Research information management system ACRIS, Information Specialist Eeva Savolainen
11:30-11:45     Research data management in Aalto University, Information Specialist Lucie Hradecká
11:45-12:00     Library resources and services in Aalto University, Information Specialist Harri Maikola 

12:00-13:30      Tutor groups meet*, lunch (self-paid)           


13:30-15:00      Doctoral Q&A and DPSP/Sisu clinic, Q103, Väre, Otaniementie 14
Stop by if you need help with your DPSP or Sisu, or have any other questions

* For students who registered to participate in the tutor group programme
** ARTS & BIZ have their main intake in the autumn, no School-specific programme in June

All the presentations will be uploaded the MyCourses page of the orientation, which also contains the up-dated-programme and a lot of additional materials and information:

Doctoral Orientation MyCourses page


Doctoral students who have started their studies since the last orientation days in January will recieve a personal registration link by email, but also doctoral students who have started their studies before that are welcome to participate. The Doctoral Orientation Days have been planned for doctoral students, but doctoral researchers employed by Aalto University, who have not yet received the study right for doctoral studies are also welcome to participate.

Please register to participate by 28.5.2023 via Webropol: (or through the personal link all new doctoral students receive by email).

The Orientation Days are held on campus. However, it is possible to follow some parts of the programme remotely as well. If you are not in the Helsinki region during the Orientation, but would like a chance to follow the presentations online, please email us at [email protected] by 28.5.2023.

Contact information

Doctoral education services
[email protected]

Next Doctoral Orientation Days

Aalto Doctoral Orientation Days are held three times a year, if you are unable to attend in June, you can join the next Orientation Days in September.

Aalto logo standing in purple coloured lights

Aalto Doctoral Orientation Days 4.-5.9.2023

Essential information for new doctoral students - welcome to your doctoral studies at Aalto University!

Doctoral education
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