Doctoral studies at the department
Aiming for top careers in academia and industry
The doctoral studies prepare our doctoral students for academic careers to conduct world class research and teaching as well as for expert positions in the department's research fields, industries and in the public sector.
Our internationally acknowledged research and close connections to diverse industries are the foundations of our teaching. We typically encourage doctoral students to participate in teaching of under-graduate and graduate courses along with their research in order to build their capabilities for potential future academic careers.
Our academic placements include among others Stanford University, Imperial College Business School, University of Southern California, IE Business School, Rotterdam School of Management, McGill University, Sungkyunkwan University, and Erasmus University.
Courses for doctoral students
We organize methods courses, various field-specific courses, and research seminars for our doctoral students. Below you can see the current course portfolio, which is annually updated depending on needs of students and possible visiting faculty members.
In addition to the courses organized by the department, theoretical studies may include doctoral and graduate-level courses taken in other schools and departments at Aalto University or other universities. For example, doctoral courses and seminars organized at the Aalto University School of Business have been popular among the department's doctoral students. Several doctoral courses and seminars are also organized jointly by the department's faculty and the faculty from the School of Business.
Doctoral students from other universities (outside Aalto University) are welcome to attend Aalto University courses either via flexible study right (JOO studies) or by applying non-degree study right (15€/ECTS). More information on flexible study right (JOO studies) and non-degree studies: Sari Salmisuo, [email protected].
Autumn 2024
TU-L0000 Research Methods in Industrial Engineering and Management D*
TU-L0010 Advanced Organizational Theory D**
Spring 2025
TU-L0022 Statistical Research Methods D* (Autumn-Spring)
TU-L0031 Qualitative Research Methods D*
TU-L0040 Advanced Statistical Research Methods D (Autumn-Spring)
TU-L1004 Doctoral Course in Strategy, Venturing, Operations, and Organizations D**
TU-L1010 Theory Building and Research Design in Strategy and Venturing D
* Compulsory (students admitted after August 1, 2017)
** Two out of these three courses are compulsory (students admitted from August 1, 2018)
For further details on the major-specific seminars, please ask your supervising professor
Other seminars
Research Seminars by the department
Other sources for doctoral courses
Scandinavian Academy of Industrial Engineering and Management (ScAIEM)
Contact information:
- Supervising professors
- Questions regarding applications: School of Science Doctoral Programme in Science
- Jani-Pekka Jokinen, Academic Coordinatior, Industrial Engineering and Management
- Responsible professor in the department for doctoral education Markku Maula, Professor, Vice head of Department (Research)
Doctoral Theses
- Oskar Niemenoja, Changes in private healthcare supply, demand, and service utilisation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Doctoral Theses 161/2024
- Olli-Jaakko Kupiainen, Naturally Occurring Discursive Work as a Reflection of Organizational Identification during Organizational Transformation. Doctoral Theses 108/2024
- Jane Seppälä, On the Strategic Importance of Building and Using Complex, Algorithmic Systems. Doctoral Theses 77/2024
- Tomasz Mucha, Machine learning in organizations: The processes of diffusion, capability development, and reframing. Doctoral Theses 76/2024
- Riikka Talsi, Interview Methodologies for Addressing Autobiographical Ruptures and (Re)Constructing Life Narratives: A Longitudinal Study Among Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Spouses. Doctoral Theses 37/2024
- Niko Lipiäinen, The interplay of internal and external determinants of value creation and capture in transforming business environment. Doctoral Theses 194/2023
- Olli Halminen, Analysing the Performance of Meso-level Care Systems Including Long and Short Term Services. Doctoral Theses 1/2023
- Lasse Granroth, Role of individuals and groups in organizational cultural changes. Doctoral Theses 180/2022
- Riku Österman, Resource mobilization in capabilities for strategic change. Doctoral Theses 110/2022
- Emilia Elisabet Lahti Sisu as guts, grace and gentleness: A way of life, growth, and being in times of adversity. Doctoral Theses 97/2022
- Niina Andrade-Asikainen Supporting well-being in workplace transformations - Critical sociomaterial components and their evaluation in a knowledge-intensive organization. Doctoral Theses 75/2022
- Anssi Tuulenmäki Tarjoamapohjainen arvon luomisen teoria. Doctoral Theses 47/2022
- Wenting Zou, Managing the complexity of service contracting in buyer-supplier collaboration. Doctoral Theses 26/2022
- Lauri Pietinalho Toward an Organizational Theory of an Ontology of Possibility. Doctoral Theses 11/2022
- Joosef Valli Cognition, Complexity, and the Financial Crisis: The Federal Open Market Committee's Search for a Monetary Policy Strategy. Doctoral Dissertation 3/2022
- Juri Mattila Blockchain Systems as Multi-sided Platforms. Doctoral Dissertation 122/2021
- Rubén Vicente Saéz Open science in the digital era. Doctoral Dissertation 103/2021
- Juha Törmänen Systems Intelligence - Measurement and Modelling. Doctoral Dissertation 105/2021
- Timo Punkka The bottom-up agency in driving institutional change: A case study in a corporate environment. Doctoral Dissertation 42/2021
- Jere Lehtinern External stakeholder engagement in complex projects. Doctoral Dissertation 32/2021
- Tuomo Eloranta Continuous information system use from routine perspective - case idea management tools. Doctoral Dissertation 13/2021
- Robert van der Have Seeking Speed: Managing the Search of Knowledge to Innovate Faster. Doctoral Dissertation 195/2020
- Peter Kenttä A Grammar of Interactional Wellbeing in Organizational Settings. Doctroral Dissertation 132/2020
- Shan Gao Digital Transformation in Asset-Intensive Industries: Systemic Constraints and Synchronized Change. Doctoral Dissertation 106/2020
- Pardeep Maheswaree CEO Selection and CEO-firm Fit. Doctoral Dissertation 97/2020
- Zeerim Cheung Analytically Structured History Approach Using a Relational Database - Essays on the Historical Embeddedness of Strategy Formulation. Doctoral Dissertation 98/2020
- Otso Hannula Knowledge co-creation in design games: conversation analysis of an interorganizational design game session. Doctoral Dissertation 55/2020
- Jesse Karjalainen Strategic networks: On the intertwinedness of network structure and resources. Doctoral Dissertation 50/2020
- Heli Nissilä Pursuing legitimacy for solar energy – essays on temporality and collective spaces in nascent fields. Doctoral Dissertation 40/2020
- Jari Laine Serendipitous innovation in inter-firm networks, Doctoral Dissertation 186/2019
- Matti Mäkelin Digital transformation as expanding strategy and structure. Doctoral Dissertation 138/2019
- Satu Rekonen Managing for knowledge creation in exploratory projects.Doctoral Dissertation 129/2019
- Juri Matinheikki Creating value through inter-organizational collaboration: A collective action perspective. Doctoral Dissertation 82/2019
- Johanna Koroma Coping with Collaboration Hindrances in Mobile and Virtual Work. Doctoral Dissertation 80/2019
- Mikael Öhman Design science in operations management: extracting knowledge from maturing designs. Doctoral Dissertation 59/2019
- Esko Hakanen Platform-based exchange: New business models in technology industries. Doctoral dissertation 250/2018
- Raphael Giesecke How do Innovators Network? The Innovation Capacity of Potentially Strong Ties in Individuals’ Social Networks, Doctoral Dissertation 215/2018
- Emma Nordbäck Shared Leadership in Global Virtual Teams: Building Conditions for its Emergence and Team Effectiveness. Doctoral Dissertation 174/2018.
- Arto Wallin Rethinking digital transformation of healthcare: The role of technology and institutions in service innovation. Doctoral Dissertation 105/2018
- Matti Pihlajamaa Managing Radical Innovation in an Open Environment. Doctoral Dissertation 108/2018
- Mervi Vuori Dyadic perspectives to supplier integration. Doctoral Dissertation 79/2018
- Madis Talmar Designing organizations for innovation in transitioning domains. Doctoral Dissertation 61/2018
- Siavash Haghighat Khajavi Improving additive manufacturing enabled operations – A forward looking empirical study. Doctoral Dissertation 43/2018.
- Anne Kokkonen Individuals can influence collaboration between companies by actively involving in common activities. Doctoral Dissertation 28/2018.
- Sini Jämsén Pay Reform Justifications and Criticisms – Institutional Logics in the Legitimation and Delegitimation of a New Managerial Practice. Doctoral Dissertation 239/2017.
- An Chen Understanding Patient Choice: A Study of Women’s Choice in Prenatal Screening and Testing. Doctoral Dissertation 212/2017.
- Laura Kohonen-Aho Video-based observations on the construction of social presence in virtual worlds. Doctoral Dissertation 200/2017.
- Timo M. Partanen Entry to a New Technology-enabled Product Category - How New Market Uncertainty and Old Market Growth Influence Entry-timing Effects. Doctoral Dissertation 182/2017.
- Chris Rowell Signaling and shaping legitimacy: Weaving webs of meaning in time and new markets. Doctoral Dissertation 136/2017.
- Stefania Passera Beyond the wall of contract text - Visualizing contracts to foster understanding and collaboration within and across organizations. Doctoral Dissertation 134/2017.
- Maria Anna Zangrillo Gallinaro Organizing Corporate Procurement for Performance: Strategy, Organization and Ambidexterity. Doctoral Dissertation 128/2017.
- Lotta Harju Taming the Beast of Boredom – Exploring Boredom at Work and the Role of Job Crafting. Doctoral Dissertation 124/2017.
- Yu Liu Antecedents and Outcomes of Partnering Abroad with Local Firms: Evidence from Cross-border Venture Capital. Doctoral Dissertation 59/2017.
- Kirsi Hyytinen Supporting service innovation via evaluation: a future oriented, systemic and multi-actor approach. Doctoral Dissertation 14/2017.
- Ilpo Ervasti Paper Industry Material Recycling – Revealing and Rectifying the Chaos in Terminology. Doctoral Dissertation 273/2016.
- Marina Weck Conditions Supporting Trust Development in Relation to the Perceived Risks in Finnish-Russian Business Relationships. Doctoral Dissertation 234/2016.
- Jarkko Leppälä Systematic Risk Management on Farms. Doctoral Dissertations 17/2016.
- Jouni Virtaharju Making Leadership - Performances, Practices, and Positions that construct Leadership. Doctoral Dissertation 188/2016.
- Katriina Järvi Productization of knowledge-intensive business services: A managerial perspective. Doctoral Dissertation 126/2016.
- Heidi M.E. Korhonen Customer Orientation in Industrial Service Innovation - Deepening the Understanding on Customers, Needs, Involvement, and Value. Doctoral Dissertation 124/2016.
- Kiisa Hulkko-Nyman Making Strategy Work: Sense and Sensibility of Results-Oriented Pay Systems. Doctoral Dissertations 76/2016.
- Meri Jalonen The construction of the hybrid package: Evolution of product concepts and production concepts through experiments with artefacts. Doctoral Dissertation 108/2016.
- Mokter Hossain Embracing open innovation to acquire external ideas and technologies and to transfer internal ideas and technologies outside. Doctoral Dissertations 128/2016.
- Pia Tamminen Possibility-Driven Design in Design-Oriented Communities. Doctoral Dissertation 235/2016.
- Puneet Kaur Underpinnings of User Participation in Innovation on Online Communication Platforms. Doctoral Dissertations 102/2016.
- Susanna Rahkamo The Road to Exceptional Expertise and Success - A Study of the Collective Creativity of Five Multiple Olympic Gold Medalists. Doctoral Dissertation 257/2016.
- Timo Ritakallio Shaping Elements While Maintaining Fit. Doctoral Dissertation 189/2016.
- Tuomo Alasoini Workplace Development Programmes as Institutional Entrepreneurs. Why They Produce Change and Why They Do Not. Doctoral Dissertations 12/2016.
- Ville Eloranta Servitization, strategy and platforms. Doctoral Dissertations 74/2016
- Jouko Vaskimo Organizational project management methodologies. Structures, contents, and use. Doctoral Dissertations 215/2015.
- Aki Laiho Orchestration of External Resources. Doctoral Dissertations 191/2015.
- Marja Turunen Toward a Consciousness Based View of Organizing. Doctoral Dissertations 203/2015.
- Otto Mäkelä Integrating business models and knowledge management. Doctoral Dissertations 166/2015.
- Päivi Pöyry-Lassila Collaborative, Informal Learning in Distributed Knowledge-Intensive Work: Organizational Contingencies. Doctoral Dissertations 160/2015.
- Sen Bao China as an opportunity and a challenge for Western service provders. Doctoral Dissertations 147/2015.
- Katri Kallio Collaborative learning with users as an enabler of service innovation. VTT Science 110, 2015.
- Iiris Riippa Building Evidence for Cost-effectiveness of Self-management Interventions in Chronic Care. Acknowledging Context and Mechanisms. Doctoral Dissertations 142/2015.
- Seppo Leminen Living Labs as Open Innovation Networks. Networks, Roles and Innovation Outcomes. Doctoral Dissertations 132/2015.
- Tua A. Björklund The Dynamics of Proactive Striving. Initiating and sustaining development efforts in product design and entrepreneurship. Doctoral Dissertations 128/2015.
- Harri Paananen Balancing Acts - Managing Inter-Organizational Collaboration for Innovation. Doctoral Dissertations 113/2015.
- Rita Lavikka Coordination for shared knowledge creation in the development and management of inter-organizational business processes. Doctoral Dissertations 95/2015.
- Pekka Töytäri Managing value-based exchange in industrial arkets: An organizational capability perspective. Doctoral Dissertations 59/2015.
- Anna Aminoff The role of attraction and control boundaries in value creation - dyadic exploration of strategic buyer-supplier relationships. VTT Science 90, 2015.
- Pekka Alahuhta Shared Artefacts and Virtual Worlds in Computer-Mediated Creative Collaboration. Doctoral Dissertations 51/2015.
- Anna Viljakainen Exploring the transformation of media sector through the lens of service-dominant (S-D) logic. VTT Science 79, 2015.
- Antero Hirvensalo Organisaatioiden välinen tiedon rakentaminen eturistiriidassa- fasilitoidun työpajan vuorovaikutuksen tarkastelua. Doctoral Dissertations 45/2015.
- Jürgen Poesche Legitimization of Science and Technology: From the French Pragmatic Sociology and the Annales School to Complex and Recursive Recombination. Doctoral Dissertations 7/2015.
- Juhana Peltonen Strategic Management of Entrepreneurial Firms during Recession. Doctoral Dissertatons 194/2014.
- Markko Hämäläinen Renaissance Entrepreneurship: A Grounded Theory of Entrepreneurial Recycling. Doctoral Dissertation 111/2014
- Pekka Räisänen Fire Risk and its Management in Cruise Vessel Construction Projects. Doctoral Dissertations 101/2014.
- Mikko Rönkkö Methodological Myths in Management Research: Essays on Partial Least Squares and Formative Measurement. Doctoral Dissertations 88/2014.
- Max Finne Servitization and solution provision of manufacturing companies. A contingency theoretical analysis. Doctoral Dissertations 84/2014.
- Timo Seppälä Contemporary Determinants and Geographical Economy of Added Value, Cost of Inputs, and Profits in Global Supply Chains: An Empirical Analysis. ETLA Elinkeinoelämän tutkimuslaitos, Sarja A 48 Series, 2014
- Otso Manninen Understanding Private Equity Fund Returns. Access as the Determinant of Differences between Limited Partners' Private Equity Returns. Doctoral Dissertations 66/2014.
- Leena Ilmola-Sheppard Increasing Flexibility by Environment Scanning of the Early Signs of Change in the Complex Environment. Doctoral Dissertations 60/2014
- Riku Ruotsalainen The micro-to-macro problem: the generation of mobilizing frames through idea development conversations. Doctoral Dissertations 214/2013.
- Kristiina Halonen Pari alkelta jäljessä -tuurilla mennään. Tutkimus suomalaisten organisaatioiden ja työterveyshuollon toteuttamasta henkilöriskienhallinnasta strategisen johtamisen välineenä. Doctoral Dissertations 191/2013.
- Pasi Kuusela A Behavioral Theory Perspective on Acquisitions, Acquisition Performance, and Strategic Alternatives. Doctoral Dissertations 188/2013.
- Pekka Helkiö Developing Explorative and Exploitative Strategic Intentions - Towards a Practice Theory of Operations Strategy. Doctoral Dissertations 186/2013.
- Antti Niemi The Covernance of Long-Term Investing in Knowledge Creation. Novel Control Mechanisms for Reducing Managerial Myopia and Increasing Growth in Organizations. Doctoral Dissertations 150/2013.
- Ville Hinkka Implementation of RFID Tracking across thee Entire Supply Chain. Doctoral Dissertations 135/2013.
- Satu Koivisto Supervisor´s fair treatment and decision making in an organizational context - A social identity analysis. Doctoral Dissertations 97/2013.
- Karita Reijonsaari Co-Creating Health. Examining the Effects of Co-Creation in a Lifestyle Intervention Service Targeting Physical Activity. Doctoral Dissertations 68/2013.
- Saara A. Brax The Process Based Nature of Services. Studies in management of Industrial and business-to-business services. Doctoral Dissertations 60/2013.
- Olli Hyppänen Decision Makers´ Use of Intuition at the Front end of Innovation. Doctoral Dissertations 30/2013.
- Johanna Maaniemi Reflections of Systemic Justice? Employees´ and Supervisors´ Experiences of Injustice in the Performance Appraisal and Merit Pay Context. Doctoral Dissertations 23/2013.
- Tiina Tuominen Innovation and Development Activities in Professional Service Firms - a Role Structure Perspective. Doctoral Dissertations 16/2013
- Katja Lahenius Studets´experiences of support during doctoral studies in industrial engineering and management. Doctoral Dissertations 6/2013.
- Taija Turunen Organizing Service Operations in Manufacturing. Doctoral Dissertations 4/2013
- Ossi I. Ollinaho Origins of institutional change: Brazilian alcohol fuel program between 1975 and 2000. Doctoral Dissertations 147/2012.
- Frank Martela Caring Connections - Compassionate mutuality in the organizational life of a nursing home. Doctoral Dissertations 144/2012.
- Henri Simula Management of Commercialization. Case Studies of Industrial, Business-to-Business Product Innovations. Doctoral Dissertations 122/2012.
- Jari Ylitalo Ohjauksellisen johtajuuskoulutuksen vaikuttavuuden rakentuminen. Doctoral Dissertations 106/2012.
- Paulus Torkki Käypä prosessi - mikä selittää kirurgian tuottavuuseroja sairaaloiden välillä. Doctoral Dissertations 104/2012
- Petri Ristola Impact of waste-to energy on the demand and supply relationships of recycled fibre. VTT Science 4, 2012.
- Juha Uotila Balancing Exploratory and Exploitative Adaptation: Organizational and Environmental Dynamics. Doctoral Dissertations 84/2012.
- Natalia Vuori Learning to carry out multiple acquisitions. Doctoral Dissertations 74/2012.
- Päivi Hoverfält Boundary activities and readiness for change during change program initiation. Doctoral Dissertations 70/2012.
- Esa Viitamo Productivity as a Competitive Edge of a Service Firm. Theoretical Analysis and a Case Study of the Finnish Banking Industry. Doctoral Dissertations 68/2012.
- Johan Groop Theory of Constraints in Field Service: Factors Limiting Productivity in Home Care Operations. Doctoral Dissertations 47/2012.
- Mikko Valorinta Socio-cognitive perspectives on IT-enabled change in organizations. Doctoral Dissertations 41/2012.
- Anu Hakonen Ei ainoastaan rahaa - Ryhmäperusteisten tulospalkkioiden merkitykset reflektioteorian näkökulmasta. Doctoral Dissertations 37/2012.
- Merja Fischer Linkages between employee and customer perceptions in business-to-business services - Towards positively deviant performances. Doctoral Dissertations 7/2012.
- Jens Schmidt Exploiting value-creation opportunities: A demand-based view. Doctoral Dissertations 3/2012.
- Sanna Nieminen Supplier relational effort in the buyer-supplier relationship. Doctoral Dissertations 130/2011
- Eija Korpelainen Information and communication technology adoption at work. Employees' experiences of adoption and learning. Doctoral Dissertations 125/2011.
- Tuomas Kuronen Ritual in constructing strategic leadership mythologies. Doctoral Dissertations 123/11.
- Timo Vuori Emotional Sensegiving. Doctoral Dissertations 113/2011.
- Teemu Tynjälä An Effective Tool for Supply Chain Decision Support during New Product Development Process. Doctoral Dissertations 73/2011.
- Marc Thompson Management Capability, Innovations in Work Practices and Performance: Multilevel Research in Science and Technology Based Firms. Doctoral Dissertations 54/2011.
- Heli Bergström Fluency Experiences in Knowledge- Intensive Individual Work and Collaboration. Doctoral Dissertations 46/2011.
- Joonas Järvinen Dynamics of ecological interdependences between European paper & pulp and printing & publishing industries, 1950-2005. Doctoral Dissertations 44/2011.
- Antti-Jussi Tahvanainen Diagnosing the growing pains of a technology-based industry. An Examination of the Finnish Biotechnology Industry in Light of Empirical Economics. ETLA Elinkeinoelämän tutkimuslaitos. sarja A 47 series, 2011.
- Christina Sweins The impact of pay knowledge on organisational performance: Investigating Finnish profit-sharing schemes. Doctoral Dissertations 35/2011
- Aku Valtakoski The Impact of knowledge-intensive service provision on SME performance: A Study in software industry. Doctoral Dissertations 33/2011
- Kati Korhonen-Yrjänheikki Future of the Finnish engineering education - a collaborative stakeholder approach. Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland – TEK, 2011.
- Jussi Kulla "Käskyttämällä ei pitkälle pääse." Tutkimus suurten suomalaisyritysten toimitusjohtajien johtamiskokemuksista. Väitöskirjat 1/2011
- Timo Partanen Regulatory interaction in electricity retail; theory and evidence from the United States and the European Union. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/16.
- Frank Bescherer Product cost analysis during pre-development. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/15.
- Tuomo Nikulainen Studies on the diffusion of new science-based technologies. Elinkeinoelämän tutkimuslaitos. Sarja A 45, 2010.
- Niina Nurmi World-wide work stress: multi-case study of the stress-coping process in distributed work. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/14.
- Kirsi Aaltonen Stakeholder management in international projects. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/13.
- Tapio Keränen Change in organization - emerging situations, character and praxis. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/12.
- Antti Peltokorpi Improving efficienty in surgical services: a production planning and control approach. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/11.
- Jouni Kauremaa Studies on the utilization of electronic trading systems in supply chain management. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/10.
- Pauli Alin Crossing organizational boundaries for innovation. Probing knowledge transformation in the context of interorganizational collaborative strategy process development. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/9.
- Helena Palmgren Leadership in a small enterprise. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/8
- Tommi Tikka The process of organisational adaptation through innovations, and organisational adaptability. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/7.
- Pertti Aaltonen Co-selection in R&D project portfolio management: theory and evidence. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/6.
- Marko Hakonen Identification with virtual teams. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/5.
- Ramin Vatanparast Pierce the fog of mobile service and advertising adopion. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/4.
- Martti Laasasenaho Ohjelmakeskeisestä kehittämispolitiikasta yksilökeskeiseen kehittämispolitiikkaan harvaan asutulla maaseudulla: elämänurasopimus kunnan ja kehittäjäyksilön välillä. Doctoral Disserrtation Series 2010/3.
- Marjatta Huhta Language and communication for professional purposes - needs analysis methods in industry and business and their yield to stakeholders. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/2.
- Robin Gustafsson Awareness, institutional entrepreneurship, and contradictions in emerging technological fields. Doctoral Dissertation Series 2010/1.
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