Department of Art

Paula Hohti-Erichsen

Associate Professor of History of Art and Culture
Paula Hohti Photo by Astrid Mannerkoski
Paula Hohti-Erichsen

Paula Hohti-Erichsen, Associate Professor of History of Art and Culture

Paula Hohti is a professor of Art and Culture History at Aalto University. Her research focuses on Italian Renaissance dress and material culture, with a special focus on their role and function within the classes of artisans and shopkeepers. Since she gained her PhD at the University of Sussex in 2006, she has held research positions at Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, EUI in Florence, Bard Graduate Centre in New York, and University of Copenhagen. She has been a principal investigator in two major international research projects, The Material Renaissance and Fashioning the Early Modern, led by Evelyn Welch. In 2016, she received the €2 million ERC Consolidator grant.


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