Creative Sustainability

Creative Teamwork 2018

Originally published 1.10.2018

In September 2018, first year Creative Sustainability students took part in an intensive and collaborative learning experience in Kera, Espoo. The Creative Teamwork course aimed to give students a fresh outlook on Creative Sustainability as a programme, the areas of studies and particular approaches to sustainability.
Creative Teamwork 2018

WHEN: 11.9.-25.9.2018
TEACHERS: Prof. Mikko Jalas & facilitators Kirsi Joenpolvi and Maria Joutsenvirta
PARTNERS: The City of Espoo
MORE INFO: Official transcription: WebOodi | Photographs: CS Flickr

The course introduced working methods and creative co-operation practices led by Art of Hosting experts, Kirsi Joenpolvi and Maria Joutsenvirta. The course was made up of lectures and workshops including sessions led by CS alumni Chinny Wong and Helén Marton. The course was facilitated by teachers of the CS disciplines (architecture, business, design and built environment) and was led by Prof. Mikko Jalas, the programme director.

Creative Teamwork 2018

During the course, students worked in multidisciplinary teams on future visions for the urban development of Kera, an area which currently in transition from an industrial hub to a modern, urban centre. Through individual writing tasks and a group project, the students developed reflections on working methods and sustainability orientations. The final task was to create a participatory performance which highlights an aspect that they hope that the planners/designers/decision-makers in the Kera case would come to think of.

On the final Day of the course the 8 student groups presented their performances within the urban framework of Kera. The performances were incredibly engaging and explored the sustainability challenges of urbanisation, city planning and development. These ‘mini workshops’ used diverse methods from music making with pieces of rubbish to reflective listening exercises and building with our bodies.

Creative Teamwork 2018
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