Contemporary Design

Kuuleeko metsä? by Miia Lötjönen

"As we humans are big beneficiaries in our relationship with nature, my goal was to give something back in return. I wanted to use music to help the spring forest grow. Studies have shown that music affects the growth of plants as it is enjoyed by humans in general. Could we use music as a way to re-connect and coexist with nature? _
Kuuleeko metsä? by Miia Lötjönen

As we humans are big beneficiaries in our relationship with nature, my goal was to give something back in return. I wanted to use music to help the spring forest grow. Studies have shown that music affects the growth of plants as it is enjoyed by humans in general. Could we use music as a way to re-connect and coexist with nature?

“Kuuleeko metsä?” was an improvisational concert played for the forest. It was documented from the perspective that the forest could be experiencing the human presence. _ // // // // _ //

Kjørholt Bendik : Guitar
Laine Mila : Cello
Lötjönen Miia : Gong
Pasanen Tuukka: Modular synth, Cock whistle, Baoding Balls
Rinne Julius : Violin
Eero Siren : Assistant

Photos: Tia Sarström

Place: Sipoonkorpi National Park


Madren, C. (2011). A tree-lined path to good health. American Forests, 117, 45-47.

Oh, B., Lee, K.J., Zaslawski, C. et al.(2017). Health and well-being benefits of spending time in forests: systematic review. Environ Health Prev Med 22, 71 .

Roy Chowdhury, Anindita & Gupta, Anshu. (2015). Effect of Music on Plants – An Overview. 4. 30-34.

Wohlleben, P. & Billinghurst, J. (2016). The hidden life of trees: What they feel, how they communicate : discoveries from a secret world. Vancouver: David Suzuki Institute.

Personal Exploration "Traces of Care" 2020

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