Contemporary Design

Beyond Stereotypes: Feral Beauty of Hobbyhorsing

by Hana Rehorčíková
Text on a black background saying: Beyond stereotypes feral  beauty of hobbyhorsing

A short film shot in the Sipoon Monitoimihalli arena features highlights from an interview with Alisa Aarniomäki, a Finnish dressage champion and renowned hobbyhorsist. It unveils the unique character of hobbyhorsing, challenging stereotypes and societal norms. Immersing myself in the hobbyhorse world through a feral sense-making lense, I observed Alisa’s training and engaged in a revealing conversation with her. Approaching it as a horseback rider with assumptions, my goal was to genuinely understand this phenomenon. As discovered, hobbyhorsing has transcended being a mere introduction to horseback riding or a children’s pastime; it defies conventional hobby categories. It’s a bit of a rebel in the hobby world, akin to horseback riding gone feral. Alisa’s interview offers a holistic view of the challenges tied to hobbyhorsing, urging a reevaluation of what defines a meaningful hobby or lifestyle. It also prompts reflection on my role as a designer in this context.

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