Color of Science


More reading material and links for Color of Science events

Previous event recordings

Watch previous events recordings via the links below

screenshot of seminar

Watch Sámi Perspectives on Indigenous Knowledges, Technology and Governance

In this session, we were joined by three accomplished Sámi researchers who will share aspects of their own research topics, activism and interests as they interrogate the relationship of indigenous knowledges, technologies and governance.

Color of Science
Screenshot of the youtube video

Watch Collaboration in and with the Global South

Prof. Caterina Soldano leads a conversation with Prof. Isabella Concina, Dr. Sumita Sharma and Dr. Karin Frölich on the challenges and opportunities of collaboration and cooperation in and with the Global South.

Color of Science
youtube screenshot

Watch Coded Bias panel discussion – Aalto University 25 March 2021 with director Shalini Kantayya

Prof. Nitin Sawhney leads a conversation with filmmaker Shalini Kantayya, to highlight the themes and issues emerging from the film, along with AI ethics experts Meredith Broussard, Amber Sinha, Jenni Hakkarainen and Sid Rao

Color of Science

Coverage of our Events:

  • Outi Puukko and Minna Aslama Horowitz wrote about the Coded Bias event on the website.

Further Reading

The Role of AI in Racial Bias and Discrimination

The following reading material accompanies the Coded Bias: Unmasking the Abuses of Face Recognition Technologies in Society event 20 – 27 March 2021

Additional References:

Further reading material is available on the reading list for the Critical AI & Data Justice in Society course:

Sámi Perspectives on Indigenous Knowledges, Technology and Governance

  • Kuokkanen, R. J. & Sweet, V., 23 Jan 2020. Indigenous Security Theory: Intersectional Analysis from the Bottom Up in the Routledge Handbook of Arctic Security. Hoogensen Gjørv, G., Lanteigne, M. & Sam-Aggrey, H. (eds.). London: Routledge, p. 80-90
  • Kuokkanen, R., 2020. Indigenous Self-Government in the Arctic: Assessing the Scope and Legitimacy in Nunavut, Greenland and Sápmi in the Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic. Koivurova, T., Broderstad, E. G., Cambou, D., Dorough, D. & Stammler, F. (eds.). Routledge, p. 253-266 
  • Kuokkanen, R. (2019). Restructuring Relations: Indigenous Self-Determination, Governance, and Gender. Oxford University Press.
  • Laiti, O., Harrer, S., Uusiautti, S., & Kultima, A. (2020). Sustaining intangible heritage through video game storytelling – the case of the sami game jam. International Journal of Heritage Studies,1-16. doi:10.1080/13527258.2020.1747103       
  • Kultima, A. & Laiti O. (2019). Sami game jam – learning, exploring, reflecting and sharing indigenous culture through game jamming. Proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA International Conference: Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo-Mix.
  • Öhman, M. (2021). The Ski or the Wheel?: Foregrounding Sámi technological Innovation in the Arctic Region and Challenging its Invisibility in the History of Humanity. In: Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies. Brendan Hokowhitu, Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Linda Tuhiwai-Smith, Steve Larkin, Chris Andersen (editor) Routledge.
  • Öhman, M. (2020). Gut la dån? Vem är du? Kukas sie olet?. In: Kiruna Forever. Daniel Golling, Carlos Mínguez Carrasco (editor) Stockholm: Statens centrum för arkitektur och design, ArkDes Förlag.
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