Color of Science

About Color of Science

More information about the Color of Science project
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Color of Science is an emerging initiative where scientists of color and from indigenous communities talk about their experiences and struggles in science, and examine the role of color theory and its implications in science. For the spring 2021 term, we begin with thematic dialogues, inviting both prominent international researchers and accomplished local scientists of color and the indigenous to provide critical perspectives on their research and personal struggles. 

This initiative is co-organized by Talayeh Aledavood, Andrea Botero, Karin Fröhlich, Caterina Soldano and Nitin Sawhney, and is part of the new Crisis Interrogatives initiative at Aalto University.

The monthly series – initially offered online – consists of lectures, panel discussions, and film screenings to spur provocative and engaging dialogues, while conducting follow-up workshops to engage participants in sharing and exchanging their own concerns, perspectives, and ideas that build on the thematic topics.

Our first event is Coded Bias: Unmasking the Abuses of Face Recognition Technologies in Society, a virtual film screening and panel discussion held at Aalto University on March 25, 2021.

We invite all members of the Aalto community and the general public to join our events. While the series invites speakers of color and the indigenous, we expect the themes and concerns to be both timely and of interest to a wide range of participants within and outside Aalto University. All events will be live-streamed and recorded to make them accessible to audiences globally.

We hope to make the events highly engaging and thought-provoking for the audiences while devising opportunities for participation and generative dialogue among audience members through well-moderated QA sessions and online workshops. We expect audiences to learn, exchange perspectives, and share their own experiences and stimulating ideas to expand on the thematic topics discussed.

Join the Color of Science Facebook Group to stay involved.

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