Collaborative and Industrial Design

Heidi Paavilainen

Senior university lecturer

Senior university lecturer Heidi Paavilainen teaches so-called general design subjects, such as the history of innovations and design, qualitative, user-centred research methods and BA&MA thesis support, including supervising CoID students. She’s in charge of the BA Design Major and the director of the BA Programme in Design and Fashion. Her doctoral dissertation is about the domestication of design.


Unite! summer school students will design an extra-terrestrial greenhouse for Mars

Research and Inspire

Research and Inspire is an MA level course by Collaborative and Industrial Design programme.

In the course students are guided through the process by which they learn to dive deep in analysing an issue or phenomenon they are interested in, contextualise their interest with relevant past and present cultural and societal changes, and develop insights that communicate the core and context of their interest.

Collaborative and Industrial Design

Latest publications

Building blocks for an engaging everyday life

Mikko Jalas, Heidi Paavilainen 2022 Designing Change : New Opportunities for Organisations

Hyvän arjen raaka-aineita

Mikko Jalas, Heidi Paavilainen 2022 Muotoilulla muutokseen : Kehitystyön uudet mahdollisuudet

'It's from my grandma.'

Petra Ahde-Deal, Heidi Paavilainen, Ilpo Koskinen 2017

Dwelling With Design

Heidi Paavilainen, Petra Ahde-Deal, Ilpo Koskinen 2017

DigiPrintNetwork (DPN)

Tuiti Paju, Kirsi Niinimäki, Heidi Paavilainen, Pirita Lauri, Liubov Vetoshkina, Hanna Toivonen 2016 Proceedings of 1st International Symposium Young Textile – Education – Current State, Directions, Prognosis for the Future

Käyttäjätiedon tulkintaa empaattisesti

Heidi Paavilainen 2015 Umpikujasta oivallukseen: Refleksiivisyys empiirisessä tutkimuksessa

Sisustuksen kaoottisuus

Heidi Paavilainen 2015 Kaikkea sattuu

The First Shitty Draft

Heidi Paavilainen 2015

Dwelling with Design

Heidi Paavilainen 2013

Design studio in the field

Katja Soini, Heidi Paavilainen 2013 Designing for wellbeing
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
Research portal
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