Aalto International Talent Program

Career Design Lab

Aalto International Talent Program for mentors

Did you know that 30% of our master's students and over 40% of our doctoral students are international? Reach this untapped potential and join us in our endeavour to make our international graduates stay in Finland!
People sitting around a table talking.
Photo: Kalle Kataila.

What is Aalto International Talent Program?

Aalto International Talent Program is a group mentoring and networking initiative bringing Finnish companies, industry experts and Aalto alumni together with our international students.

The Program runs from December to February. You will mentor a small group of students matching your desired student profile. 

Why join as a company?

Join the Program to connect with international students.

•Attract Aalto talent

•Share insights about your business and careers

•Get visibility and enhance your employer brand

What's in it for individual mentors?

For individuals taking up a mentor's role, the Program offers a chance to

  • Develop mentoring, coaching and interpersonal skills
  • Get inspired and learn about international students' perspectives
  • Expand professional network

For alumni

The Program offers a rewarding way to give back with time.

  • Engage in a meaningful activity
  • Reconnect with Aalto community while representing your company
  • Help international students to find their way to Finnish working life and society

Many of our mentoring groups have been led by Aalto alumni.

People standing in a row on a lab visit. They are wearing white coats and protective glasses.

Mentoring is inspiring and fun.

Director, IP Management Virpi Tognetty & Director, Application and Marketing, Reetta Strengell, Kemira

What does the Program entail?

  1. Sign up in September.
  2. Attend mentor company briefing session in November.
  3. Attend kick-off event in late-November.
  4. Run three group mentoring sessions in December-February.
  5. Organize an onsite visit in February.

We will provide you with a set of example topics and suggested schedule for the sessions. You will decide on the final schedule and agenda together with students.

Reach out for more information on how to join

 Kaisa Paasivirta

Kaisa Paasivirta

Manager, International Talent Program

Read more about Aalto International Talent Program

Matti Aksela kuvattuna siten, että suorakaiteen muotoinen valkoinen valo osuu hänen kasvoihinsa, tausta on tumma, sinisävyinen.

'I'm glad that I’m able to help the students' - Lessons and inspiration from mentorship

A mentor from Aalto International Talent Program shares their story.

Aalto International Talent Program
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