
Päivi Hietanen

Dipoli was originally built to accommodate student needs. Before renovation of Dipoli began, we wanted to include students in the development of the building's concept and vision.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Päivi Hietanen, arkkitehti, työympäristöpäällikkö / Kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘Dipoli was originally built to accommodate student needs. However, for the past few decades, it has functioned as Espoo's largest conference centre. Now, Aalto University has purchased the building in order to transform it into a meeting place for the entire university community.

Before renovation of Dipoli began, we wanted to include students in the development of the building's concept and vision. Dipoli is currently being transformed into the university's main  building. In addition to lecture halls and teaching facilities, it will house environments designed for creative work, showrooms, lounge-like independent learning-environments, as well as good cafes and restaurants. It is a nice idea that the university's highest management will be at the core of activities in the centre of active student life. This will in part help in maintaining a low threshold between the students and the university management.’

Päivi Hietanen, Architect, Working Environments Manager

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