
Opening hours of campus buildings and lobby services

Please notice the opening hours of the buildings when visiting the campus. Below you'll find the opening hours of buildings and lobby service on Otaniemi campus and in Töölö.
Photo: Aalto University / Aino Huovio

Opening hours of campus buildings

Buildings Building addresses Opening hours of buildings and lobby services
A Grid Otakaari 5 Mon-Fri 7.45–20.00
Aalto University Töölö Runberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki Mon-Fri 7.45–18.00
Computer Science building Konemiehentie 2A    Mon-Thu 7.45–20.00, Fri 7.45–18.00
Construction Engineering & ACRE Rakentajanaukio 4 Mon-Thu 7.45–20.00, Fri 7.45–18.00
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems  Vuorimiehentie 1A Notice! Opening hours/service hours have changed: Mon-Fri 07.45-17.00
Department of Film, Television and Scenography  Otakaari 7 B Mon-Fri 7.45–15.30
Design Factory  Betonimiehenkuja 5 Mon-Fri 7.45–15.30
Dipoli, Käpyovi Otakaari 24 Mon-Thu 7.45–20.00, Fri 7.45–18.00
Harald Herlin Learning Centre
Otaniementie 9A

Customer service Mon-Thu 10.00–18.00, Fri 10.00–15.00

Main entrance: Mon-Thu 7.45–18.00, Fri 7.45–15.00

C entrance with Aalto access token Mon-Sun 7.00-23.00

Kide Konemiehentie 1 Mon-Thu 7.45-20.00, Fri 7.45-18.00
Maarintie 8  Maarintie 8 A1 Mon-Thu 7.45–20.00, Fri 7.45–18.00
Marsio Otakaari 2A Mon-Thu 7.45-21.00, Fri 7.45-20.00
Machine Technology 1, K1  Otakaari 4A Mon-Thu 7.45–20.00, Fri 7.45–18.00
Machine Technology 4, K4  Sähkömiehentie 4 Mon-Fri 7.45–15.30
Nanotalo building  Puumiehenkuja 2A Mon-Fri 7.45–15.30
Otakaari 3 ja Rakentajanaukio 2  Otakaari 3A Notice! Opening hours/service hours have changed: Mon-Fri 07.45-17.00
Raw Materials Hub  Vuorimiehentie 2 Mon-Fri 7.45–15.30
School of Business  Ekonominaukio 1 Mon-Thu 7.45–21.00, Fri 7.45–20.00
School of Chemical Engineering Kemistintie 1A Mon-Thu 7.45–20.00, Fri 7.45–18.00
Undergraduate Centre Otakaari 1 Mon-Thu 7.45–21.00, Fri 7.45–20.00
Viima (K3) Puumiehenkuja 5A Mon-Fri 07.45-15.30
Väre Otaniementie 14 Mon-Thu 7.45–21.00, Fri 7.45–20.00, Sat 9.00–17.00
Access to the building only with an access token     
Machine Techology 2, K2  Puumiehenkuja 3  
Water Engineering  Tietotie 1E  
Marine Technology  Tietotie 1A  
Valimo Metallimiehenkuja 2  

The Silent Room (M135) in the Undergraduate Centre can be reserved through the Aalto Space app. Please ask the janitor to open the door (phone 050 472 3520).

Exceptional opening hours of campus buildings at the turn of the year 2024-25

NB! All buildings are closed 6.12., 24.-26.12., 1.1. and 6.1.

Buildings Building addresses Exceptional opening hours of buildings at the turn of the year  2024-25
A Grid (Otakaari 5) Otakaari 5 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Aalto University Töölö Runberginkatu 14-16, 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 08:00-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Computer Science building
Konemiehentie 2A    16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Construction Engineering & ACRE
Rakentajanaukio 4A 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems 
Vuorimiehentie 1A 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Department of Film, Television and Scenography  Otakaari 7 B Normal opening hours: weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Dipoli, Käpyovi Otakaari 24 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Harald Herlin Learning Centre Otaniementie 9A 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:00
Customer service: weekdays from 10:00 – 15:30
Front doors: weekdays from 7:45-15:30
Access with a token C-door weekdays from 7:00-23:00
Exception: 23.–27.12. closed (customer service and front door; access with a token C-door 7:00- 23:00)
Closed 6.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Kide  Konemiehentie 1 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Maarintie 8 
Maarintie 8 A1 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Machine Technology 1, K1 
Otakaari 4A 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Machine Technology 4, K4  Sähkömiehentie 4 Closed 6.12., 16.12.24 - 06.01.25. Access to the building only with an access token 
Marsio Otakaari 2 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Nanotalo building 
Puumiehenkuja 2A Normal opening hours: weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Otakaari 3 ja Rakentajanaukio 2  Otakaari 3A 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Raw Materials Hub  Vuorimiehentie 2 Normal opening hours: weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
School of Business  Ekonominaukio 1 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
School of Chemical Engineering Kemistintie 1A 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Undergraduate Centre Otakaari 1 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Viima Puumiehenkuja 5 Closed 6.12., 19.12.24 - 06.01.25. Access to the building only with an access token 
Väre Otaniementie 14 16.12.24 - 05.01.25 weekdays from 07:45-15:30
Closed 6.12, 24.-26.12, 1.1. and 6.1.
Access to the building only with an access token     
Machine Techology 2, K2 (Puumiehenkuja 3) Puumiehenkuja 3  
Water Engineering (Tietotie 1E)    
Marine Technology (Tietotie 1A)    

Campus restaurants and cafés

Information on Aalto University campus restaurants and cafés. Please check each restaurant’s and café’s own website for information on exceptional opening hours.

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Three students sitting next to a wooden table, and studying. Two of them have laptops in front of them. Photo: Unto Rautio
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