Advancing entrepreneurship and innovations

Arshe Said

When we manufacture steel, steel slag and carbon dioxide among other things are formed as by-products. Here in Otaniemi, we have developed a process to combine these two waste products and to use them to manufacture a third, valuable product.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Arshe Said, tohtorikoulutettava, Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu Suomen somalialaisten liiton puheenjohtaja, Hufvudstadsbladetin kolumnisti / Kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘When we manufacture steel, steel slag and carbon dioxide among other things are formed as by-products. Here in Otaniemi, we have developed a process to combine these two waste products and to use them to manufacture a third, valuable product. This product has commercial practical value for manufacturers of paper, medicines and plastic, for example. After a long period of hard work it feels good that our innovation has received wide international attention and awards, even. The next step is to plan how the innovation and its patents should be commercialised. Aalto University is the owner of the patents of the innovation, so the possible commercial success will benefit the entire student community.’

Arshe Said, doctoral candidate, School of Engineering
Chair of the Finnish Somali League, Columnist at Hufvudstadsbladet

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