Aalto University

Development funding decisions

Aalto University has reserved 16,7 M€ annually for strategic development for years 2021-2024. In 2021, 12 M€ was granted leaving 4,7 M€ for coming years. The funding is allocated to development projects mainly based on recommendations made by Research, Learning, Impact and Enablers Steering Groups. After the funding approval recommendation, the President and CFO grant funding for the project. Funding decisions are made on monthly basis and published at aalto.fi. All decisions are searchable also from SAHA (electronic document and records management system).
Students are walking out from the Undergraduate Center

Development funding decision meetings 2023

Below you can find the timetable for funding decision meetings in 2023.

Project name (ID in Thinking Portfolio, see aalto.thinking1.com)

Funding granted and purpose (project phase)

Short description

Name of contact person

Development funding decisions 2022

Below are listed all development funding decisions in 2022.

Five persons representing Aalto staff look together at a computer.

Aalto University has reserved 16,7 M€ annually for strategic development for years 2021-2024. In 2021, 12 M€ was granted leaving 4,7 M€ for coming years. The funding is allocated to development projects mainly based on recommendations made by Research, Learning, Impact and Enablers Steering Groups. After the funding approval recommendation, the President and CFO grant funding for the project. Funding decisions are made on monthly basis and published at aalto.fi. All decisions are searchable also from SAHA (electronic document and records management system).

Examples of completed development projects

Aerial picture of Aalto campus

Virtual Campus Experience of Aalto University (external link)

Virtual Campus Experience 360 of Aalto University

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