Content & Competencies

The teaching content should include real-life challenges, multidisciplinary approaches, and broad comprehension over what student needs are.
Teaching Lab/ Impact & Meaning
Learning objective

Learning Objectives

How do we define and measure learning objectives?

Are there clear guidelines? Learning objectives should be apprehensible and achievable from the beginning. Think about ways to measure these objectives, such as feedback, peer review etc.



Why is it relevant to students?

Think about how students can use these new skills later in working life or future studies. Consider the relevance in the context of challenge-based learning and multidisciplinary setting. Relevance can, too, vary from student to student and have personal connotations.



What transferable skills do students learn?

Metaskills are durable skills, which are applicable to a wider set of problems and help students learn a more specific skill. For example, how can students learn to think about new, sustainable solutions? Metaskills can also be empathy, social intelligence, ability to use imagination, ability to approach the unknown, etc. 



How does the student benefit?

Benefits of learning can relate to both technical and people skills. Students can benefit by developing new skills, understanding, better ways of communicating, and enjoyment for learning. Also, networking and new opportunities benefit students.



What is the skill set students need?

Think of whether there are certain prerequisites for students to join the course, such as technical skills or a particular academic background. Also, the language in which the course is held matters; is the course only available for Finnish students but also for visiting and international students?



How is quality measured?

It needs to be very transparent to students regarding what aspects of their progress will be measured. Establish benchmarks for quality if needed. Define metrics for goals and standards.

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