Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure

General hygiene information (COVID-19)

Measurements at Aalto NeuroImaging facilities (MRI/fMRI, MEG, TMS, ABL) were continued with new safety measures 10.6.2020. From 1.7.2022 onwards, some COVID-19 specific safety measures, such as the 'CHECKLIST' and '30-min breaks after measurement' are no longer effective but several important general hygiene practices are kept in place.

ANI - COVID-19 and GENERAL HYGIENE information for facility users.

Measurements at Aalto NeuroImaging facilities (MRI/fMRI, MEG, TMS, ABL) were continued with new safety measures 10.6.2020. From 1.7.2022 onwards, some COVID-19 specific safety measures, such as the 'CHECKLIST' and '30-min breaks after measurements' are no longer effective but several important general hygiene practices are kept in place.

Please note that in addition to these instructions, all Aalto guidelines as well as regulations and recommendations set by the Finnish government are to be followed.

Valid for the time being (subject to changes; current version 27.6.2022):

  • All pre-existing and new guidelines must be followed and checked routinely for changes from this webpage.
  • Guidelines are overviewed in the INFORMATION_AND_CONTACTS document (see, below).
  • Changes 26.6.2022 in brief:

    • The CHECKLIST is no longer required, but the researcher or volunteer should not come to ANI premises if they have any fever or respiratory diseases symptoms.
    • You no longer need to leave 30 min empty slot between successive measurements. Please note that you still need to disinfect surfaces and equipment after your measurement within the reserved time slot of your group! Do not go over the time as the next group might start right after your measurement.
  • Changes 30.11.2020 in brief:

    • As the epidemic is in the spreading phase in the entire Uusimaa region, we also consider the possible exposure notification from e.g. koronavilkku -application as a reason for not coming to ANI premises. In this case, one should get a negative test result or be without symptoms for approximately two weeks before the measurement.
  • Changes 24.8.2020 in brief:

    • You do not need to inform Aalto access email lists about your groups' presence any more. Reservation in the ANItime is enough for this purpose. If needed, however, you should be able to point out who were present in order to track possible exposure chains afterwards.

    • Instead of 1 hour slot, it is enough to leave 30 min empty slot between successive measurements.

    • Experienced users and groups are allowed to measure outside office-hours and during weekends (contact us to verify if it is ok for your group).

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. Meanwhile, please follow this website for further information.

  Contact person
ANI Director Veikko Jousmäki, [email protected], 050-3442509
AMI Centre Rami Kunnas, [email protected], 050-4779125
  Toni Auranen, [email protected], 050-3442657
MEG Core Mia Illman, [email protected], 050-3442379
  Tuomas Tolvanen, [email protected], 050-5937628
ABL Veli-Matti Saarinen, [email protected], 050-4371591
Aalto TMS Mikko Nyrhinen, [email protected], 050-3719020
  • Thank you for cooperating and understanding!
  • Follow all instructions and regulations set by authorities
  • Take care of your personal hand hygiene
  • Keep a safe social distance to others
  • If sick, go home and in serious cases contact your health care provider
  • Please inform also others about the importance of these preventive measures
  • Help others who may need help

Updated information and recommendations on the coronavirus:


  • Published:
  • Updated:
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