Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure

Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure

Aalto NeuroImaging Rates

Measuring at ANI facilities is subject to a charge. The hourly rate depends on measuring time and on if the user is part of Aalto University/NEUROIMAGING-agreement or an external user. On prime time (weekdays 9-16) the hourly rate includes the radiographer or technician service (regarding the possibilities of the personnel). On weekends and off hours AMI Centre, ABL, Aalto TMS and MEG Core do not offer the radiographer/technician service. Below are shown the hourly rates. All rates are VAT 0%.

NOTE: Remember to see other measuring requirements from Starting Measurements.

AMI Centre rates (€/h)

User   Prime time   Off hours
Aalto/NeuroImaging   285€   210€
External   427€   299€

Aalto Behavioral Laboratory rates (€/h)

 Rates are the same for all user groups (Aalto/NeuroImaging/External)

Room / Device   Rate
AC (unshielded room)   20€
DC (shielded room)   40€
DAVE (Dynamic Audio Visual Environment)   30€
Eye Tracking Glasses   20€
Thermal Camera   10€

Device rates apply only when device is used separately outside the lab.

MEG Core rates (€/h)

User   Prime time   Off hours
Aalto/NeuroImaging   238€   190€
External   340€   272€

Aalto NeuroImaging (ANI) Infrastructure

ANI research infrastructure houses three functional neuroimaging modalities, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at Advanced Magnetic Imaging (AMI) Centre, magnetoencephalography (MEG) at MEG Core and Aalto Behavioral Laboratory (ABL).

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