Flagship projects, programs and projects related to materials research at Aalto

There are several high-level projects in the field of materials research and teaching at the moment. Here are some examples of Aalto University research excellence.

Flagships and CoEs

There are several high-level projects in the field of materials research and teaching at the moment.

Birch leaves. Photo: Valeria Azovskaya

FinnCERES - Flagship for boosting bioeconomy (external link)

Boosting the world’s bioeconomy by developing new bio-based materials with Aalto University and VTT, companies, and research organizations through a shared passion to create a sustainable future and a belief in innovations based on solid scientific foundations.


The HYBER Centre of Excellence

The HYBER Center was launched via the Academy of Finland's Center of Excellence Programme 2014-2019, as the CoE in Molecular Engineering of Biosynthetic Hybrid Materials Research. HYBER combines research groups working on molecular self-assembly, genetic engineering of proteins, biotechnological production of engineered biomolecules, and plant cell wall materials.

The LIBER Centre of Excellence
Researcher at Aalto University fixating a tool for graphene research purposes


The Graphene Flagship represents a new form of joint, coordinated research on an unprecedented scale, forming Europe's biggest ever research initiative.

The Graphene Flagship is tasked with bringing together academic and industrial researchers to take graphene from the realm of academic laboratories into European society in the space of 10 years, thus generating economic growth, new jobs and new opportunities.

Aalto Materials Platform
Aalto EIT Services Javor

About EIT RawMaterials

Boosting the competitiveness of the European raw materials sector via radical innovation!

Aalto EIT Services

Materials Research Infrastructure


OtaNano is Finland's national research infrastructure for micro-, nano-, and quantum technologies

Kvanttibitit. Kuva: Jan Goetz.

Aalto Ice and Wave Tank

Aalto Ice and Wave Tank is a multipurpose basin ideally suited for testing ships and other maritime structures in ice conditions.

Aalto Ice Tank

Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture

At the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, hands-on learning is essential. Our students have access to one of the finest workshop environment in the world, with a very high workshop to student ratio.

sewing workshop

Research infrastructure

We develop local and global networks

Image from the Aalto Bioproduct centre

Aalto Electronics-ICT - Electronics test facilities

School of Electrical Engineering offers 4 electronic test facilities

Key Research Area: Materials and sustainable use of natural resources

Featured research projects and programs

Bio2Future PhD Summer School - bioeconomy courses for postgraduates

Aalto University has launched a summer school to support PhD students who are studying bioeconomy-related subjects. Bio2Future offers 1-2 high-level postgraduate courses each summer in a range of current subject areas.

Photo: Nina Riutta

Empirica – Research on art, design and culture

Group approaches research with an attitude, where making, acting and engaging play important roles.

Empirica tutkimusryhmän työtä

Carbon Lane -project

Carbon Lane (CarLa) is an EIT Climate-KIC funded project which takes place during 2019. The project explores practical carbon drawdown solutions for urban green areas

Illustration of a tree in soil with details of roots, carbon, nutrients


Ioncell-F technology developed at Aalto University in collaboration with the University of Helsinki converts wood into textiles without any harmful chemicals.

Aalto University/Ioncell-F

More recycling and business worth billions to the battery sector

The main objective of BATCircle is to generate added value to sectors manufacturing battery metals and chemicals, and their circular economy.

Akkujätettä ja kemikaaleja. Kuva: Glen Forde

Winners in the campusart competition rooted in bioart and quantum physics

Laura Piispanen, Noora Heiskanen, Jenna Ahonen and Ayda Grisiute convinced the jury with their creativity.

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