Aalto helped during the coronavirus pandemic

Our society faced a huge challenge caused by the global coronavirus pandemic. The Aalto community quickly initiated various ways to help in the crisis. On this page, we have gathered information about projects and insights related to the coronavirus pandemic at Aalto University.

White A! logo standing on the ground with A-bloc and Väre in the background.

Quick actions in 2020

koronavirusasiantuntijoita toimittajia varten

Aalto's expertise in use to help the corona crisis - several research and development projects quickly launched

The members of the Aalto community have been launching research and development projects related to the corona situation at a rapid pace since March.

BIZ public artworks (photo: Mikko Raskinen)

Helsinki GSE establishes an economic situation room - The aim is to support fast decision making amid the coronavirus crisis

The project highlights Finland as a solid example of effective and timely policy decisions due to availability of data.


Examples of research projects in 2020 and 2021 related to coronavirus

Aerosolipilven mallintaminen

Researchers modelling the spread of the coronavirus emphasise the importance of avoiding busy indoor spaces

A joint project carried out by four Finnish research organisations has studied the transport and spread of coronavirus through the air. Preliminary results indicate that aerosol particles carrying the virus can remain in the air longer than was originally thought, so it is important to avoid busy public indoor spaces. This also reduces the risk of droplet infection, which remains the main path of transmission for coronavirus.

Kuva: NordicMathCovid-hanke.

New epidemic modelling facilitates assessment of corona strategies

Carried out as a joint project involving Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian researchers, the model also takes into account network structures and human mobility.

: Kuvan on tehnyt Jani Huuhtanen Biorender.com -sovelluksella.

Artificial intelligence model developed by Finnish researchers predicts which key of the immune system opens the locks of coronavirus

With an artificial intelligence (AI) method developed by researchers at Aalto University and University of Helsinki, researchers can now link immune cells to their targets and for example uncouple which white blood cells recognize SARS-CoV-2. The developed tool has broad applications in understanding the function of immune system in infections, autoimmune disorders, and cancer.

Kuvakaappaus videolta, joka näyttää, miten virusta kantavien aerosolien pitoisuus nousee nopeasti pienessä tilassa, sillä keveät aerosolipisarat voivat jäädä leijumaan tunneiksi, jos tila on huonosti tuuletettu.

New research shows how gatherings of people increase the risk of coronavirus exposure

The content of aerosols carrying the virus rises rapidly in a small space, as light aerosol droplets can remain afloat for hours if the space is poorly ventilated.

Henkilön käsi asettelemassa laboratoriovälinettä.

Four corona-related projects received special funding from the Academy of Finland

The projects study the coronavirus, the pandemic and its effects on society. The total amount granted to the four Aalto projects is 730 000 euros.

Economicum-rakennus Arkadiankadulla. Kuva: Veikko Somerpuro

Helsinki GSE Situation Room study: Coronavirus pandemic particularly challenging for higher education students - number of appointments to mental health services is on the rise

Appointments to mental health services have been steadily increasing among both higher education students and other representatives of the same age group since autumn 2020.


Our experts' perspectives on the corona situation

Professor Henri Schildt: 'Strategic leadership is particularly important during this global crisis'

The Coronavirus pandemic is putting great strain on companies and their employees alike. Moments like these create unique demands for inspired and bold leadership. Academic research provides insights into the organizational and strategic challenges posed by crises. Here are some central ideas that can help strategic leaders weather the storm.

The picture shows Professor Henri Schildt. Photo: Mortti Saarnia / Aalto University.

Coronavirus causes significant production and delivery difficulties

After the epidemic, having larger reserve stocks and distributing purchases between several suppliers is likely to become more common.

Better Business - Better Society -seminaarin otsikkokuva.

Let’s not turn the corona crisis into the Solo Performance Olympics

‘In this exceptional situation, we should be kind to ourselves and to each other,’ says Assistant Professor Jukka Luoma.

Ei tehdä korona-ajasta suorittamisen olympialaisia, kuvituskuvassa kolme ihmistä kävelee syksyisessä kaislikossa

International group of researchers: Mobile phone data should be utilized more to curb the corona pandemic

These types of data could help to curb the spread of the pandemic and to evaluate the effectiveness of restrictions

Kuvituskuva, jossa taustalla kartta ja kännykänmuotoisia symboleja

‘We managed to turn a major risk into a great opportunity’

To make sure the Fusion Grid project could continue, Marko Nieminen travelled to Namibia and drove 1,400 kilometres to transport necessary equipment to the village of Oniipa and make it to KLM’s final flight to Europe

Marko Nieminen vaakakuva

Professors Farah Kodeih and Henri Schildt: ‘Due to coronavirus, we all have the opportunity to reflect on radical uncertainty'

The uncertainties and disruptions we are now experiencing, although temporary and often modest, provide a glimpse into the commonly overlooked hardships of marginalized individuals.

The picture shows a path to the bird tower on Aalto University Campus.

Find news related to coronavirus

Stylized image of circuits inside a cell with antibodies and virus floating nearby
Research & Art Published:

Digital virology pipeline brings AI’s expert eye to identifying infections

Microscopy plus machine learning equals a quick, cheap and automated way to detect coronavirus and other pathogens.
Portrait of Professor Ville Vuorinen
Awards and Recognition Published:

The Academy of Finland awards Ville Vuorinen for his research on the spread of the COVID-19 disease

Ville Vuorinen, who studies the physics of air and fluid flows, is awarded for his exceptional scientific courage and creativity, as well as for his work to promote the social impact of science.
Petter Holme, photo: Matti Ahlgren, Aalto University
Appointments Published:

Petter Holme: Temporal networks help to understand the spreading dynamics

'My research concerns networks in general – power grids, social and ecological networks, bus transportation, and many others. I approach my research using mathematical theories and frameworks, as well as computer modelling. Concrete examples of these networks studied include Internet dating, the Frozen movie, and the Covid epidemic.'
University Published:

Covid-19 vaccines available again at the Otaniemi campus in September

The vaccination site is open on 12, 19 and 26 September to students and personnel at the Undergraduate Centre, room Y115.
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