Aalto Handbook

Self-evaluation report, audit 2022

A key part of FINEEC's quality system audit model is self-assessment of its own operations. Self-assessment refers to the organisation’s assessment of its activities and their enhancement. The ability to recognise the organisation’s own strengths and especially enhancement areas is a sign of a mature quality culture.
Opiskelijoita tekemässä ryhmätyötä

The self -assessment report, which was prepared for the development of our own operations and for the quality system audit, is based on material compiled in connection with the University Review and many discussions. The objective of the self-assessment was to achieve a common view of the management practices related to the audit areas, the quality management situation of our core functions, and the good practices and key areas for development related to our operating practices.

In the spring the self-evaluation report was prepared in working groups. During the summer time the entire Aalto community had the opportunity to comment on the report. In the autumn, the report was finalised on the basis of feedback and was submitted to Karvi on 2 November.

Self-evaluation report

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