Aalto Handbook

Future-led Learning Working Group

Future-led learning is a key element in our strategy, and the Future-Led Learning Working Group has been established to support it.

The Future-led Learning Working Group was established in the beginning of 2024to continue the work of the LeSG-ICT group. The working group focusses on the themes of teaching and learning, technology and future, and in collaboration with the Learning Steering Group (LeSG), it has a central role in the strategic guidance of teaching and learning. The Future-led Learning Working Group discusses and prepares policies regarding the learning culture that Aalto wants to support now and in the future, as well as the digital solutions that should be used to reach the selected goals.

Name of group Future-led working group
Chair Petri Suomala
Host: Rotating responsibility of vice deans: Anouar Belahcen /Tomas Falk / Ari Koskelainen /Jouni Paltakari /Jani Romanoff / Rasmus Vuori
Coordination Sanna Pihlajaniemi, Ani-Jatta Immonen (ITS), Mari Nuottajärvi

Vice Deans: Anouar Belahcen, Tomas Falk, Ari Koskelainen, Jouni Paltakari, Jani Romanoff, Rasmus Vuori  
LES: Eija Zitting, Esa Salmio, Tomi Kauppinen, Katri Ventus
AYY:n edustajat: Carl-Victor Schauman, Susanne Erlund
Ohjelmat: Antti Karttunen Aalto CHEM, JohannaBragge Aalto BIZ, Tiina Pusa Aalto ARTS, Petri Vuorimaa / Anni Rytkönen Aalto SCI
ITS: Christa Winqvist, Patrik Maltusch

Process owners are summoned to meetings when required by the meeting agenda.

Key themes

Teaching and learning, technology and future

- To outline Aalto-level policies regarding digital solutions and the learning environment.
- To support the preparation and implementation of the digitalisation roadmap for the area of teaching and learning.
- To ensure that the digital solutions and development services used in the area of teaching and learning are in line with the university strategy and the needs of the schools.

Meetings Twice per academic term. The meeting dates will be specified on this page.
Documentation The key points discussed in each meeting will be listed on this page.
Other inquiries regarding the working group can be addressed to the coordinator of the group.

Summaries from the meetings:


Aalto University's purposeful internationalization development has come into conflict with the legislation, as the law requires the possibility of completing degrees in domestic languages. The Ministry of Education and Culture demands measures to correct the matter. In order to remedy the situation, Aalto University's Learning Services has produced language guidelines and instructions for interpreting the guidelines to support schools.

The task of the Future-led learning working group is to outline what kind of learning culture is promoted and what kind of technology is used to support the pedagogy. This meeting dealt with the interpretation of the language guidelines from the student and school perspectives. The technological solutions tested were artificial intelligence-based translation technologies. 

The working group worked on the theme using Sitra's tools: Future Triangle and The Insight and Foresight Zoo. 

Summarizing the main points from the discussions:

  • there are a lot of different points of view associated with the resources, which were perceived as "elephants in the room" -> schools need to recognize these and places to discuss them
  • as the technology develops further it creates good opportunities for us, but it does not solve everything. The student's experience with technological solutions is important.
  • Media literacy in the post-AI era means a new kind of competence: critical literacy of artificial intelligence-produced texts and material

All in all, it was felt to be important to promote multilingual, multicultural and diverse teaching.

Read more about the topic: Preparation for the implementation of the language guidelines is underway | Aalto university

14.6.2024 Due to scheduling challenges, this session has been postponed to August 6th.
Five students working on a group project in the business school building.

Management of education

Continual development of the quality of teaching and learning is one of the university's key strategic objectives. Aalto University promotes a positive culture of learning. Special attention is paid to supporting the progress of studies and monitoring the study process to ensure learning outcomes.

Aalto Handbook
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