Aalto University Board, 26 November 2019
1. Aalto University
The Aalto University Foundation operates as Aalto University. The operations of a foundation university are governed by the Universities Act (Yliopistolaki 558/2009), the Foundations Act (Säätiölaki 487/2015) and the Aalto University Foundation Constitution. The present bylaws and other similar internal regulations of the university dictate the organisation of the foundation university’s operations and administration. The bylaws are confirmed by the board.
Section 1 University
Aalto University is an autonomous multidisciplinary science and art community, which operates in the fields of technology, business, art and design, and in fields closely related to them.
The mission of the university and the purpose of its activities shall be to promote free research and scientific and artistic education, to provide higher education based on research, and to educate students to serve their country and humanity. In carrying out its mission, the university shall promote life-long learning, interact with the surrounding society, and promote the societal impact of research findings and artistic activities.
The national mission of the university shall be to promote Finland’s success and to make a positive impact on Finnish society, its economy, technology, art, design, internationalisation and competitiveness, and to promote the welfare of humankind and the environment through high-quality research and education.
The university will abide by the ethical principles of a world-class university in all its activities, follow the principles of good administration, safeguard academic autonomy and the independence of the professoriate intrinsic to it, which are prerequisites for freedom of education, research and art.
Section 2 Schools within the university
Aalto University is divided into schools that are responsible for independently organising the education and research in their academic fields within the framework set by the university-level policies, strategy, and the annual operating plan and budget.
The university comprises of:
- the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
- the Aalto University School of Business
- the Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering
- the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering
- the Aalto University School of Engineering and
- the Aalto University School of Science.
Further provisions on the organisation of the schools’ operations shall be issued in the bylaws of the schools.
The university may also have separate and shared units for arranging academic and service activities, and units operated jointly with other universities.
Section 3 Language of the university
The language of instruction and degrees at the Aalto University School of Business is Finnish. The languages of instruction and degrees at the Aalto University School of Engineering, the Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering, the Aalto University School of Science, the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, and the Aalto University School of Arts, Design Architecture are Finnish and Swedish. The university may also decide to use other languages of instruction and degrees and study attainments than those mentioned above.
The language of administration of the university is Finnish. The Board may decide to use other languages besides Finnish in meetings and for administration in order to facilitate international activities and to ensure services and equal possibilities to participate for international staff.
In the field of science and technology and in that of art and design, the university is responsible for contributing to educating a sufficient number of persons proficient in Swedish for the needs of the country.
Section 4 University group
The university may have control of one or more Finnish or international enterprises for the purpose of carrying out its tasks.
The management of the university group consists of the board and president of the university.
The management of the group is responsible for supervising the university group and organising the internal corporate governance control.
2. University-level bodies
Section 5 University-level bodies
The executive bodies of the university are the board, the president, who in this capacity also acts as the managing director referred to in the Foundations Act and the University Academic Affairs Committee.
Furthermore, the university may have a provost, vice presidents, a Professors’ Council, an Investment Council and an Academic Appeals Board.
Section 6 Board
The board of the university comprises seven (7) members, including the chair and vice chair. The board shall comprehensively represent the highest national and international expertise in the sciences and arts in the field of operation of the foundation and in societal and business life.
The election of board members, the suitability of a person to act as a board member, the term of office, and the composition of the board are defined in Section 6 of the Foundation Constitution.
The president, the provost, a vice president, the director of a school or any other unit reporting to the board, or a member of a multi-member administrative body may not be elected board members. A member of a multi-member administrative body refers to the members of the University Academic Affairs Committee or other university-level administrative body and the school academic affairs committees.
A board member may not be a direct beneficiary of the foundation or a civil servant in the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. A direct beneficiary of the foundation does not refer to a university employee or a student enrolled at the university.
A board member who becomes ineligible for board membership for any of the reasons specified above shall resign.
In addition to the above-mentioned, the provisions of Sections 13 and 15 of the present bylaws apply to the election of board members.
Section 7 Responsibilities of the board
With its actions, the board shall foster free teaching, research and artistic activities as well as education in science and art, and further their development.
The board ensures that the university activities are organised appropriately and that its asset management is systematic.
To carry out its duties, the board shall decide on the strategy of the university, matters concerning the university operations and finances and other far-reaching plans. The board appoints a president to direct the activities of the university and the science and art community it constitutes, and defines the duties of the president in compliance with the Universities Act.
Additionally the board shall:
1. appoint and dismiss the provost and the other direct reports to the president and the provost, and define their duties and terms of office,
2. appoint and dismiss the deans, who act as directors of the schools, and define their duties and terms of office,
3. appoint and dismiss the members of the Investment Committee and define their duties and terms of office,
4. establish and abolish the schools and separate university level teaching and research units, referred to in Section 2 (2) and (4) of these bylaws,
5. approve the annual operating plan and budget of the university,
6. approve the annual report and financial statements of the university,
7. submit a report on the operational year of the university to the University
Academic Affairs Committee,
8. approve the bylaws, financial regulations and other similar regulations of the university, and
9. decide on the suspension of students from the university as specified in the relevant legislation.
The board is responsible for arranging appropriate supervision for the accounting and asset management of the university.
The board may, by its own decision, delegate authority to the president or other executive bodies, or persons employed by the foundation.
Further provisions on the duties and work of the board are given in the Board’s Rules of Procedure.
Section 8 President
The president directs the university and represents the science and art community constituted by it.
The president is appointed and dismissed by the board. The president’s term of office is five (5) years.
If the president is a professor of Aalto University, he/she shall be relieved of his/her professorial duties for the duration of his/her term of office.
Section 9 Duties of the president
The president directs the university operations in accordance with the Universities Act, the values of the university community, the university strategy adopted by the board and the guidelines and regulations issued by the board.
The president leads the long-term strategic development and strategic partnering of the university. The president is responsible for:
1. the development and implementation of the university’s strategy,
2. the resource management and allocation of the university,
3. activities that contribute to securing the university’s future by building and maintaining strategic relationships with the government, businesses, academic partners, the public sector and alumni.
In addition, the president shall:
4. approve university-level regulations and the regulations for units referred to in Section 2 (2) and (4) of these bylaws
5. decide on the establishment and discontinuation of degree programmes and on the number of student places offered
6. award an employee of the university the right to use the title of professor and the title of docent on grounds compliant with the Universities Act,
7. carry out other duties assigned by the present bylaws,
8. carry out other duties assigned by the board of the university.
The president may undertake action which is far-reaching in terms of the university mission only where the board has authorised him/her to do so or where it is impossible to wait for the decision of the board without causing essential harm to the operation of the university. In the latter case, the board must be informed of the action without delay.
The president may delegate the hiring of personnel or other matters within his/her remit to another organ or person. The president may approve rules of procedure containing further provisions on the duties of the president and provost and on those of their direct reports.
The president has the right to be present and speak at the meetings of all the bodies of the university apart from those of the Nomination Committee.
Section 10 Provost and vice presidents
The university may have a provost, which is appointed by the board at the president´s proposal. The university mays have vice presidents, which are appointed by the board at unanimous proposal of the president and the provost.
If the person appointed as provost or vice president is a professor of Aalto University he/she shall be relieved of his/her professorial duties for the duration of his/her term of office.
The provost shall:
1. act as deputy president,
2. support the president in strategic development, appointment of professors and resource management,
3. lead all the processes connected to teaching, research and societal impact, and
4. carry out other duties assigned by the president.
The provost has the right to be present and to speak at all meetings of executive bodies apart from those of the Nomination Committee.
The provost reports to the president. The vice presidents report to the president or the provost in accordance with further provisions given in the rules of procedure of the president.
Section 11 University Academic Affairs Committee
The University Academic Affairs Committee is a joint, multi-member university-level administrative body referred to in the Universities Act.
The University Academic Affairs Committee shall have 19 members and 38 deputy members. The order in which the deputy members are called on as substitutes is defined in further detail in the Rules of Procedure of the University Academic Affairs Committee.
Nine (9) members of the committee shall represent the professors, six (6) other research and teaching staff and other staff and four (4) students. The deputy members shall be appointed in proportion the number of full members. The members of all of the above-mentioned groups shall represent each of the university’s three areas of expertise: business, technology, and art and design.
The president or a person appointed by the president shall act as the chair of the University Academic Affairs Committee. The president shall appoint the vice chair and the secretary to the committee.
i) The professors, ii) the members of other research and teaching staff and other personnel and iii) students elect the committee members from amongst themselves in the following manner:
Professors: The Professors’ Council referred to in Section 16 shall elect nine (9) representatives and their deputies from among the professors, as follows:
- the professoriate of the School of Business shall elect two (2) members from among themselves.
- the professoriate of the School of Art, Design and Architecture shall elect two (2) members from among themselves,
- the professoriate of the School of Engineering shall elect one (1) member from among themselves,
- the professoriate of the School of Chemical Engineering shall elect one (1) member from among themselves,
- the professoriate of the School of Science shall elect one (1) member from among themselves, and
- the professoriate of the School of Electrical Engineering shall elect one (1) member from among themselves, and
- the professoriate of the schools operating in the field of technology jointly elect one (1) member from among themselves.
The Professors’ Council shall elect deputies for the ordinary members in the same proportion as above.
Other members of the research and teaching staff and other personnel: Six (6) representatives of the research and teaching staff and other personnel and their deputies shall be elected in compliance with the Election Regulation; however, no fewer than two (2) of them shall represent the other members of research and teaching staff and no fewer than two (2) other personnel.
Students: The Student Union shall elect four (4) student representatives and their deputies to the University Academic Affairs Committee.
The term of the University Academic Affairs Committee is four (4) calendar years with the exceptions set forth in Section 29. The term of a student member is one (1) calendar year.
If a member of the University Academic Affairs Committee no longer meets the eligibility criteria referred to in subsection 3 of this Section, his/her term as a member of the University Academic Affairs Committee shall end. A member who is becomes ineligible for membership or resigns during the term of office of the committee shall be replaced by a deputy member.
Section 12 Election Committee
The president appoints the Election Committee, consisting of a chair, a vice chair, a secretary, a legal adviser, and 3 to 6 other members. The Election Committee is responsible for the practical arrangements relating to the election of the University Academic Affairs Committee members. Further provisions on the duties of the Election Committee and the elections are given in the Election Regulations. A member of the Election Committee does not qualify as a candidate for election to the University Academic Affairs Committee.
Section 13 Duties of the University Academic Affairs Committee
The mandate of the University Academic Affairs Committee is to promote high quality in research, teaching, and artistic activities.
The University Academic Affairs Committee shall:
1. decide on the curricula and degree requirements,
2. set the admission criteria,
3. decide on other general regulations regarding teaching, research, and artistic activities,
4. appoint the necessary committees dealing with degrees, evaluation and appeals, or other bodies required for organising research and teaching, and appoint their chairs, members and deputies, and issue the regulations governing their activities,
5. decide on the length of the term of the board and its members,
6. appoint and dismiss the members of the Nomination Committee referred to in Section 15,
7. decide on the conferral of the title of honorary doctor.
The University Academic Affairs Committee can, by its own decision, delegate authority in the above-mentioned duties to the school academic affairs committee, with the exception of items five (5) and six (6).
In addition, the University Academic Affairs Committee is responsible for appointing the members of the board in accordance with Section 6 of the Foundation Constitution and the provisions of these Bylaws.
The University Academic Affairs Committee appoints the board members based on a proposal by the Nomination Committee defined in Section 15 of the Bylaws. If the University Academic Affairs Committee does not approve the Nomination Committee's proposal, the University Academic Affairs Committee shall return the proposal to the Nomination Committee for re-drafting. The University Academic Affairs Committee can return the proposal of the Nomination Committee for re-drafting only once.
The chair of the University Academic Affairs Committee starts the board election process as laid down in the Foundation Constitution. When a board position to be filled at the proposal of the university founders becomes vacant, the chair of the University Academic Affairs Committee must notify the founders, with the exception of the State of Finland, of this no later than three months before the term of the board member starts. The founders must announce their candidates to the chair of the University Academic Affairs Committee no later than two months before the term of the board member starts. If the founders do not announce their candidates, they shall be nominated and appointed by the University Academic Affairs Committee.
The chair of the University Academic Affairs Committee shall immediately notify the chair of the Nomination Committee of the candidates specified by the founders in a proposal on the nomination of board members.
Section 14 Meetings of the University Academic Affairs Committee
The University Academic Affairs Committee shall constitute a quorum when more than half of the members and the chair or the vice chair are present.
The University Academic Affairs Committee shall meet regularly when convened by the chair or the vice chair. In addition, if more than half of the committee members request a meeting, the University Academic Affairs Committee must be called to a meeting.
The call to a meeting must be sent to the University Academic Affairs Committee members no later than seven days before the meeting. The call shall indicate the matters to be dealt at the meeting.
The president, the provost, vice presidents and directors of the schools, or persons appointed by the afore-mentioned when the matter at hand so requires, have the right to be present and to speak at the University Academic Affairs Committee meetings.
Two members present at the meeting shall be elected to examine the minutes of the meeting.
The University Academic Affairs Committee shall decide matters by majority vote: a motion seconded by more than half of the votes cast shall be regarded as approved by the University Academic Affairs Committee.
Each University Academic Affairs Committee member has one vote. If the votes are equally distributed, the chair shall have the casting vote, but in the case of elections, the outcome shall be resolved by lot.
Section 15 Board Nomination Committee
The Board Nomination Committee prepares the University Academic Affairs Committee decision on the election of the board members. The Nomination Committee must enjoy the confidence of the University Academic Affairs Committee and the respect of the university community.
The Nomination Committee shall have five (5) members, two (2) of whom represent the other founding members of the foundation university than the State of Finland. The chair of the University Academic Affairs Committee invites the founding members to propose candidates well before the Nomination Committee is appointed. The Committee members shall represent expertise in each of the university’s fields: technology, business, and art and design.
The term of the Nomination Committee members is one (1) year. The University Academic Affairs Committee shall appoint a new member for the remainder of the term to replace any Nomination Committee member who resigns from the committee during his/her term.
The Nomination Committee elects a chair and a vice chair from amongst its members.
The Nomination Committee shall constitute a quorum when no less than half of the members are present including the chair or vice chair.
The Nomination Committee shall meet as required when convened by the chair. The call to a meeting must be sent to the Nomination Committee members no later than seven days before the meeting. The Nomination Committee shall decide matters by majority vote: a motion seconded by the votes of more than a half of the votes cast shall be regarded as approved by the Nomination Committee.
Each Nomination Committee member has one vote. If the votes are equally distributed, the chair shall have the casting vote, but in the case of elections, the outcome shall be resolved by lot.
The Nomination Committee shall put forth a proposal to the University Academic Affairs Committee on the members of the board after hearing the State of Finland and other founding members, and the student union. The Nomination Committee shall put forth a proposal to the University Academic Affairs Committee on amendment of the Foundation Constitution concerning changing the term of the board members.
Section 16 Professors’ Council
The Professors’ Council acts as an advisory council to the president, the provost and the vice presidents, and as the voice of the science and art community on fundamental questions relating to the university’s values.
The Professors’ council consists of all the tenured professors of the university, professors appointed to Professors’ Tenure Track and other full-time members of the professoriate, as well as the Academy Professors working at the university. The president, the provost, vice presidents and directors of the schools have the right to be present and to speak at the Professors’ Council meetings.
(Subsection 3) Repealed 26.11.2019
The Professors' Council elects a chair and at least two (2) vice chairs from amongst its members. The chair shall appoint a secretary to the Professors' Council.
The chairs and vice chair have a term of two (2) calendar years.
The Professors’ Council shall convene at least once a year at the invitation of the chair or, when s/he is absent or indisposed, of the vice chair. The council shall also convene if more than ten (10) percent of the university professoriate makes a written request to the chair for a meeting.
The Professors’ Council can appoint from amongst its members sub-committees to deal with essential issues within the scope of its competence relating to the scientific and artistic activities of the university community.
(Subsection 8) Repealed 26.11.2019
Section 17 Investment Committee
The Investment Committee shall consist of members invited by the board. The committee acts as an advisory body to the board, the president and the director of finance in matters relating to the asset management of the university.
Section 18 Other advisory bodies
The board and the president have the right to appoint other advisory or ad hoc bodies and decide on their duties.
Section 19 Academic Appeals Board
The duty of the Academic Appeals Board is to process grade appeals and appeals on decisions made regarding rectification requests as provided in Section 82 of the Universities Act.
The Academic Appeals Board consists of a chair and 10 other members, each of whom shall have a personal deputy.
The chair and his/her deputy must be a professor. Of the other members, no less than half must be members of the university teaching staff, and at least one a university student. The board shall have a student representative for each of the three fields of the university. The Student Union shall elect the student representatives and their deputies.
(Subsection 4) Repealed 26.11.2019
Section 20 Student Financial Aid Board (Repealed 26.11.2019)
Section 21 Administration and support services
The president decides on the structure and organisation of administration and support services. The structure, processes and responsibilities of the services shall be specified in separate policies and procedure documents.
3. School-level executive bodies
Section 22 Director of a school
The schools are directed by deans on the basis of the executive powers conferred on them by the board and the president, in accordance with these bylaws.
The board appoints and relieves the deans of their duties at the proposal of the president. The president can appoint and dismiss deputy deans of the schools at the proposal of the dean of the school.
The term of office of the school dean is five (5) calendar years. If the school dean is a professor of Aalto University s/he shall be relieved of his/her professorial duties for the duration of his/her term of office.
The school dean reports to the president or the provost in accordance with the division of their duties and with any further provisions in the rules of procedure of the president.
Section 23 Duties of the dean of the school
The school dean shall, in compliance with the guidelines set forth by the board and the president:
1. direct the activities of the school,
2. put forth a proposal to the president on the bylaws of the school,
3. make a proposal to the president on the deputy deans of the school,
4. appoint and dismiss the heads of the departments or units of the school and hire and dismiss the school personnel other than professors to the extent authorised by the president,
5. make a proposal to the president for the school operating plan and budget, and decide on the allocation of the resources of the school within the framework of the operating plan and budget approved by the board,
6. admit students to the school, make the decisions relating to the maximum duration of studies or readmission after forfeiture of study rights and award degrees,
7. process the appeals relating to student admissions and rights to study,
8. act as chair of the school academic affairs committee, and
9. other duties assigned by the board, the president, and the bylaws of the school.
The school deans may delegate duties within their authority to other persons.
Section 24 School academic affairs committees
To deal with academic matters at the level of schools, the university has academic affairs committees for each school. The school academic affairs committee is a multi-member university-level administrative body referred to in the Universities Act. The school academic affairs committee performs the duties assigned to it by the University Academic Affairs Committee.
The university has the following school-level academic affairs committees:
- Academic Committee for Arts, Design and Architecture
- Academic Committee for Business
- Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering
- Academic Committee for Electrical Engineering
- Academic Committee for Engineering
- Academic Committee for Science
The school academic affairs committee consists of the representatives of i) professors, ii) other research and teaching staff and other personnel (hereinafter called personnel), and iii) the students.
The school academic affairs committees have fourteen (14) members and twenty eight (28) deputy members. Six (6) members of the committees represent the professoriate, four (4) other members of the research and teaching staff and other personnel, and four (4) students. The order of replacement of the deputy members is defined by the academic affairs committee.
The Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering has eleven (11) members and twenty two (22) deputy members. Five (5) members of the Committee represent the professoriate, three (3) other members of the research and teaching staff and other personnel, and three (3) students.
The school dean or a person appointed by the dean acts as the chair. The dean appoints the vice chair of the school academic affairs committee and a secretary to the committee.
The members of the Professors’ Council referred to in Section 16 who are employed in the school in question elect the representatives of the professoriate and their deputies to the committee. The professoriate may be represented in the committee only by a member of the professoriate of the school in question.
The student union elects the student representatives and their deputies to the committee. The student representatives must be students at the school where they are standing for election for the school academic affairs committee.
The representatives of the school research and teaching staff and other personnel and their deputies are chosen by election.
The term of the school academic affairs committee is four (4) calendar years with the exceptions set forth in Section 31. The term of a student member is one (1) calendar year.
If a member of the school academic affairs committee no longer meets the eligibility criteria referred to in subsection 4 of this Section, his/her term as a member of the school academic affairs committee shall end.
A member who becomes ineligible or resigns during the term of office of the committee shall be replaced by a deputy member elected in an election arranged by the body that nominated the member in question.
Section 25 Duties of the school academic affairs committee
The school academic affairs committee shall, in addition to other duties assigned by the University Academic Affairs Committee and the director of the school, put forth proposals on:
1. a school-specific curriculum
2. school-specific degree requirements
3. school-specific admission requirements
4. other matters relating to academic activities
5. other duties assigned by the dean directing the school, and
6. decide on the arrangements for the ceremonial conferment of doctoral degrees of the school and the conferral of the title of honorary doctor.
The school academic affairs committee can, by its own decision, delegate authority in the above-mentioned duties to other bodies elected in accordance with the Section 27 of the Universities Act.
Section 26 Meetings of the school academic affairs committee
The school academic affairs committee shall constitute a quorum when more than half of the members and the chair or the vice chair are present.
The school academic affairs committee shall meet regularly when convened by the chair or the vice chair. In addition, the school academic affairs committee must be convened if more than half of the committee members request it.
The call for a meeting must be sent to the members of the school academic affairs committee no later than seven days before the meeting. The call shall indicate the matters to be dealt with at the meeting.
Two members present at the meeting shall be elected to examine the minutes of the meeting. The dean, the deputy dean, or persons appointed by them are entitled to present matters for discussion at the meetings of the school academic affairs committee.
Each school academic affairs committee member has one vote. The motion seconded by more than half of the votes cast shall be considered as the committee decision. If the votes are equally distributed, the chair shall have the casting vote, but in the case of elections, the outcome shall be resolved by lot.
4. University personnel
Section 27 Duties and qualification requirements of professors
A professor shall carry out and supervise scientific or artistic work, give education based on it and follow developments in science or art and participate in societal interaction and international cooperation in his/her field.
To be eligible for a professor (Full Professor level) position, the candidate shall have high-standard scientific or artistic competence, previous experience in leading scientific research, a demonstrated record of achievement in international cooperation within his or her research field, as well as ability to provide high-standard education based on research and to supervise theses. As necessary, practical experience of the field is also required.
Further provisions on the appointment of a professor and on the required qualifications shall be given in related regulations adopted by the president.
Section 28 Language proficiency requirements
The candidate’s command of the required language skills as laid down in the Universities Decree (Valtioneuvoston asetus yliopistoista 770/2009) shall be verified on the basis of documents and possibly a trial lecture before making the decision on the appointment of the applicant to a university position.
A foreign citizen or a Finnish citizen who either is a non-native citizen or has not been educated in Finnish or Swedish may be exempted from the Finnish and Swedish proficiency requirements laid down in the Universities Decree without separate application. The exemption is granted by the administrative body or person responsible for the appointment. In the case of professors, however, the exemption is granted by the dean of the school.
5. Regulations concerning the bylaws
Section 29 Amendments to the bylaws
Amendments to the bylaws are decided by the board. An amendment seconded by more than two thirds (2/3) of the votes cast shall be regarded as approved of the board.
Section 30 Entry into force
These bylaws enter into force on 1 January 2010. Any actions required for the successful implementation of the new Bylaws can be taken before the bylaws enter into force.
These bylaws repeal the previous bylaws of the Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki University of Technology, and the University of Art and Design Helsinki as specified in Section 32.
Amendments to the bylaws enter into force on 1 January 2011. [Amendments: Section 2, subsections 1 and 2, Section 6 subsection 3, Section 9 subsection 3, paragraph 13, Section 11 subsection 6, Section 15 subsection 3, Section 20 subsection 2, Section 22 subsections 2, 3 and 4, Section 23 subsection 1, paragraphs 3, 4, 6 and 7 and subsection 2, Section 24 subsections 2, 4, 5 and 6.]
Amendments to the bylaws enter into force on 1 January 2012. [Amendments: Section 2 subsection 2, Section 11 subsection 5, Section 24 subsections 2, 4 and 5.]
Amendments to the bylaws enter into force on 1 August 2012. [Amendments: Section 2 subsection 2, Section 3 subsection 1, Section 11 subsection 5.]
Amendments to the bylaws enter into force on 1 January 2013. [Amendments: Section 3 subsection 4, Section 16 subsection 1, Chapter 4, Section 27, Section 28, Chapter 5, Section 29, Section 30, Chapter 6, Section 31, Section 32]
Amendments to the bylaws enter into force on July 1, 2013. [Amendments: 6 § subsection 4, 16 § subsection 3, 24 § subsections 3, 4, 5, and 12]
Amendments to the bylaws enter into force on May 1, 2014 [5 § subsection 2, 6 § subsection 3, 7 § subsection 4, paragraphs 1 and 4, 9 § subsections 1, 2, 3 and 5, 10 §, 14 § subsection 4, 16 § subsections 1 and 2, 21 §]
Amendments to the bylaws enter into force on October 4, 2014. [9 § subsection 3, 9 § subsection 5, 10 § subsection 5, 22 § subsection 4.]
Amendments to the bylaws enter into force on September 16, 2016. [5 § subsection 1, 7 § subsection 2, 13 § subsection 2 point 5.]
[The name of the School of Chemical Technology changed to School of Chemical Engineering 25.11.2016.]
Amendments to the bylaws enter into force on November 27, 2019. [5 § subsection 2, 16 § subsections 2- 4 and 8, 19 § subsection 3 and 4, 20 §, 24 § subsection 6.]
6. Transition period
Section 31 Terms of office of the University Academic Affairs Committee and school academic affairs committees and the student members
The term of office of the first University Academic Affairs Committee and the first school academic affairs committees shall end on 31 December 2013.
The school academic committees for the School of Engineering, the School of Chemical Engineering, the School of Science, and the School of Electrical Engineering shall be chosen by election for the period beginning on 1 January 2011 and ending on 31 December 2013.
The Academic Committee for Arts, Design and Architecture shall be chosen by election for the period ending on 31 December 2013. The election shall be arranged by the end of February 2012. The former Academic Committee of Art and Design will act as the Academic Committee for Arts, Design and Architecture until the new academic affairs committee has been elected.
Section 32 Previous bylaws and other significant documents of the schools
The present bylaws and other significant documents of the Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki University of Technology and the University of Art and Design Helsinki shall remain in force after the entry into force of these bylaws insofar as the same matters are not regulated in the present Bylaws or other effective policies and procedure documents.
The current bylaws and other significant documents of the school which remain valid after the entry into force of the present Bylaws shall become null and void when policies and procedure documents regulating matters of a similar nature enter into force
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