Finnish Pavilion at the 16th Venice Biennale of Architecture
Finland’s representation at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition responds to the theme FREESPACEwith a study of library architecture and public library spaces. The public library was originally perceived as the symbol of progressive societal aspirations. Today it takes the form of the non-commercial common ground for intellectual and creative freedom. It is a free space for learning, doing and sharing. The public library of the 21st century is a ‘popular monument’: a non-commercial public space which is open for everyone, free for everyone, belonging to everyone and used for everyone’s benefit. The exhibition explores the development of Finnish library architecture through architectural samples and their historical and theoretical context. Simultaneously, it looks towards libraries of the future with the new Helsinki Central Library designed by ALA Architects due to open in December 2018. The exhibition also includes a usable library space installation, which transforms the Alvar Aalto Pavilion of Finland into a temporary library space.