Aalto Acoustics Lab

The Aalto Acoustics Lab is a multidisciplinary research center of the Aalto University.

The Acoustics Lab gathers professors and research teams from three different units: Department of Information and Communications Engineering, Department of Computer Science, and Department of Art and Media. Our research and teaching focus on audio processing and spatial sound technologies.

The application period for Master's studies in Acoustics and Audio Technology is 30 Nov 2023 – 2 Jan 2024. The Acoustics and Audio Technology major is part of the CCIS Master's program at Aalto. Check out the video about AAT studies

Visiting address: Otakaari 5 A, Espoo, Finland

Mailing address: P.O. Box 13100, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland

You can book a visit to the Aalto Acoustics Lab through this form: Visit to Aalto Acoustics Lab (spring 2024).

Aalto University Acoustic Lab

Latest news

Nighttime picture of a snowy road lined with trees.
Press releases Published:

Snap, crackle, pop! — the sounds of frost actually come from the sky

Breakthrough research reveals that the popping sound associated with frost is in fact mostly coming from the atmosphere.
Acoustics lab, robot dog Spot and Electronics ICT-lab facilities
Campus Published:

Visit School of Electrical Engineering laboratories in the spring 2024

We organise visits to the Robotics Lab, Acoustics Lab, and the Electronics-ICT laboratory.
Stage of the gala
Awards and Recognition, Research & Art Published:

Professor Ville Pulkki awarded for amusing and imaginative research

In the awarded research, Ville Pulkki and his fellow researchers explored why shouting into the wind feels challenging for people, even though sound actually carries better upwind
Photo: Leonardo Fierro.
University Published:

Leonardo Fierro: Sharing experiences for a better doctoral student life

'Now I’m less fearful of failing. I know how to put things into perspective. It was a good lesson to learn that failing is part of the process of succeeding.'

Our research topics

Aalto Acoustics Lab Facilities

The Aalto Acoustics Lab has outstanding facilities for sound-related research, including three anechoic chambers, a variable acoustics space, a listening room, sound-proof listening booths, a large number of loudspeakers and headphones, and high-quality microphones and other measurement equipment.

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Multichannel chamber with 40 loudspeaker

Audio Examples, Demos & Software, Videos

Dissertations in Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing

This page lists doctoral dissertations in acoustics and audio signal processing, which have been conducted at the Aalto Acoustics Lab since the year 2010.

Master's Theses in Acoustics and Audio Technology

Six professors are supervising Master's thesis works in acoustics and audio technology at Aalto University: Tom Bäckström, Tapio Lokki, Ville Pulkki, Lauri Savioja, Sebastian J. Schlecht, and Vesa Välimäki.

Teaching at Aalto Acoustics Lab

Professors of the Aalto Acoustics Lab provide Master's level teaching in the major of Acoustics and Audio Technology, and doctoral courses in the research field of Acoustics and Speech Technology. The application period for Master's studies in Acoustics and Audio Technology is from 30 Nov 2023 until 2 Jan 2024!

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Tapio Lokki luennoi konserttisalien akustiikasta



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