Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Research Groups

At DIEM, creating and transforming technology-based business is approached from three complementary perspectives: strategy and venturing, operations, and people.

Research Groups

TUTA Strategy and venturing

Strategy and Venturing

The Institute of Strategy and Venturing enjoys an international reputation for research and teaching excellence in its core areas.

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Aalto University/Logistics Research Group

Logistics Research

We have conducted research since 1990s on, among other things, e-commerce, e-grocery logistics, supply chain management, technologies on product-centric material flow management, manufacturing operations control, and sourcing.

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Service Engineering and Management main

Service Engineering and Management

The Service Engineering and Management (SEM) group investigates services and service operations in inter-organizational service systems. Services have become a salient focus of economic and industrial activity and the body of scientific knowledge on services is growing rapidly. The SEM research group combines multidisciplinary knowledge to conducting multi-method research on services.

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Project Business

The PB research group examines projects in their wider business contexts, beyond traditional single project management. Research topics include, among others, the management of global projects, strategic and result-oriented project management, portfolio and stakeholder management and performance measurement in project business, and project sales and marketing.

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Virtual and mobile work group main image

Virtual and Mobile Work

The VmWork group examines dispersed and mobile work in its contexts by analyzing and modeling it.

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Organization Design and Leadership

The Organization Design and Leadership group conducts research and contributes to teaching area of knowledge and competence management, with a special interest in knowledge-intensive businesses.

Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Latest publications

Elevating Business Models to the Ecosystem Level: Evidence from Web3 and Beyond

Annika Bengts, Ville Eloranta, Esko Hakanen, Taija Turunen, Valeska Tullney 2024 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

Fading corporate survival prospects : Impact of co-selection bias in resource allocation on strategic intent

Robert A. Burgelman, Pertti Aaltonen 2024 Strategic Management Journal

Teknologianeutraliteetti ja yhteiskunnan strategiset tavoitteet tutkimus- ja innovaatiopolitiikassa

Vera Djakonoff, Atte Ojanen, Katri Sarkia, Heidi Uitto, Vesa Salminen, Juho Carpen, Esko Hakanen 2024

Explorative Study on the Utilization of Patient Pathways in Finnish Public Healthcare

Amanda Eklund, Märt Vesinurm, Paulus Torkki 2024 Proceedings of the 57th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2024

The virtuous cycle of prosocial behaviour and perceived prosocial impact in organizations : a longitudinal three-wave study

Marcos Gómez, Álvaro Espejo, Frank Martela, Catalina Bastías, Diego Bravo, Wencesalo Unanue 2024 European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

Dual-Perspective Modeling of Patient Pathways: A Case Study on Kidney Cancer

Anna Grøndahl Larsen, Ragnhild Halvorsrud, Rolf Eigil Berg, Märt Vesinurm 2024 Digital Health and Wireless Solutions

Interpersonal mattering and the experience of meaning in life

Devin Guthrie, Joe Maffly-Kipp, Chase Gause, Jinhyung Kim, Frank Martela, Joshua A. Hicks 2024 JOURNAL OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY

Self-Regulation and Code of Conduct in the Community : Four Pilots on Utilising Decentralisation Technologies for Improving Sustainability and Collective Governance

Esko Hakanen, Joel Wolff, Ville Eloranta, Claire Shaw 2024 Building Global Societies Towards an ESG World : A Sustainable Development Goal in the 21st Century

Lessons Learned from Frontier Entrepreneurship Education in North Korea

Jukka-Pekka Heikkilä 2024 Science & Diplomacy
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
Research portal
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