
New book on the development of Industrial Engineering and Management in Finland and internationally

Eero Eloranta's book describes the formation of Industrial Engineering and Management as part of economic development and changes in the universities of technology.
Eero Eloranta
Eero Eloranta

Eero Eloranta is the author of the comprehensive work that delineates the development of Industrial Engineering and Management in Finland and internationally. The book describes the formation of Industrial Engineering and Management from the 19th century to the 21st century as part of economic development and changes in the universities of technology. The book shows with examples that Industrial Engineering and Management is a discipline that, in addition to high-level teaching and research, produces an exceptionally high societal impact. The book describes in a vivid and detailed way how the scientific approach of Industrial Engineering and Management focuses on solving the problems of the technology industry. It has at different times built the foundation of Finnish industry and shown its strength in changes.

Ongelmanratkaisijoita ja muutoksentekijöitä -kirjan kansi.

The book also presents entrepreneurs and change agents who grew up in the Prodeko community of Industrial Engineering and Management, whose handprint can be seen in the operations of new growth companies worth billions of euros and in the development of old companies. In addition to the introduction of the players in the field, the book describes the learning contents that the Industrial Engineering and Management has formed in technical universities, focusing on relevant management problems and challenges that require systemic understanding in various fields of technology. The structure of the book helps the reader to pick up interesting pieces from this development.
Eero Eloranta is professor emeritus of Industrial Engineering and Management and Senior Advisor at Aalto University. He has worked as the Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Vice Dean of education at Aalto University's School of Science, and as a Vice President of Aalto University. Professor Eloranta has had a significant impact on the development of Industrial Engineering and Management as a discipline and the development of expertise in the field in Finland. He has extensive experience in industry, e.g. In the Nokia corporation and on the board of several companies and the Startup Foundation. In the field of Industrial Engineering and Management, he is known as Mr. Tuta.

The book can be purchased from Aalto University Shop

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