People & Community

Various organisations, communities, and people are likely to be involved, so knowing who they are and what roles they play is substantial.
Teaching Lab / People & Community
Target group

Target group

What is the main target group?

The target group is the people who you are most likely to attract and who you wish to attract to your course. When realizing your target group, consider the following; whether the group is multi-disciplinary and think about common and differentiating characteristics.



Who are the key team members?

Know your team and the people who are vouching for the course. It is beneficial to have people by your side as support and guidance. Think of what assets these key team players bring to the course.



Who are the people supporting and promoting?

Know who is likely to support and promote your course. Think of someone from the university who has a good reach on various internal and external stakeholders. Will this be a student or someone from the staff, such as another teacher? 



Who are the external partners involved?

Think about who you would like to get to collaborate and how to persuade them. Consider various companies, organizations, and private people, depending on the type and focus of the course.



How are the roles and responsibilities divided?

Define clear roles and responsibilities. Know who is responsible for the course and what roles do people involved have. Is there a certain hierarchy or are roles divided in an agile manner? What roles do students carry during the course?



How is communication with students and stakeholders organized?

Define the platforms which will be used to get the message across. Keep in mind two-way communication channels and advise students on how communication will be executed. Allow transparency and accessibility. Decide who communicates and maintains relations with external stakeholders.

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