

FinnCERES is a flagship for our sustainable future, center for the materials bioeconomy.
Birch leaves. Photo: Valeria Azovskaya

FinnCERES is the joint competence center for the materials bioeconomy between Aalto and VTT. We aim to ensure our sustainable future by developing materials and applications for the future bio-economy with a solid scientific foundation.

For more information, visit the main webpage of the project: 


Aalto and VTT are forming a globally top-ranked competence cluster on lignocellulose and bioeconomy materials with a proven scientific and economic impact track record.

FinnCERES will directly support the realization of the Finnish national bio-economy strategy by creating new businesses based on novel value-added products manufactured from the constituents of wood. By providing a solid scientific foundation, we contribute to the Finnish forest industry renewal.

Transformation by FinnCERES

FinnCERES addresses some of the most urgent global megatrends such as resource sufficiency, climate change, and quality of life. These challenges are turned into opportunities, and with help of scientific discoveries further into potential solutions:

  • The usage of new biomaterials to replace or capture plastics;
  • Overpass the textile fibre gap;
  • Development the light-weight materials for various end-uses;
  • Evaluation of solutions for partly bio-based electronics and many more.

FinnCERES is based on the well-established collaboration on bioeconomy between Aalto and VTT, the advanced bioeconomy infrastructure, the continuous technological progression and several spin off companies. The Flagship will operate in close collaboration with the industry and other stakeholders in order to create economic and societal impacts from its scientific results.

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