The LIBER Centre of Excellence


Centre of Excellence in Life Inspired Hybrid Materials (LIBER)

The Centre of Excellence in Life-Inspired Hybrid Materials (LIBER) was funded by the Research Council of Finland via the Centre of Excellence Programme 2022-2029. LIBER aims to create dynamic and soft hybrid materials with the capability to learn, adapt, or respond to the environment. LIBER CoE includes eight research groups from Aalto University, VTT, and Tampere University. The groups interact via regular bi-weekly seminars to share ideas and initiate collaborations. In addition, the annual symposia and workshops also train our researchers with recent expertise to perform their research and equip them for future careers. 

For more information visit the new website of LIBER Centre at

Read about the former Centre of Excellence in Molecular Engineering of Biosynthetic Hybrid Materials (2014-2019) at HYBER CoE


Professori Maria Sammalkorpi
Research & Art Published:

Get to know us: Associate Professor Maria Sammalkorpi

Sammalkorpi received her doctorate from Helsinki University of Technology 2004. After her defence, she has worked as a researcher at the Universities of Princeton, Yale and Aalto.
Olli Ikkana in Otaniemi, photo by Lasse Lecklin.
Research & Art Published:

Bioinspired colours and adaptable materials - Professor Olli Ikkala's third EU project builds on living systems

Department of Applied Physics Professor Olli Ikkala received his third Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) on 11 April 2024. The funding amounts to €2.5 million and the project will run for five years.
Olli Ikkala ja Esa Saarinen
University Published:

Olli Ikkala and Esa Saarinen found a common thread in baroque music and lecturing

Olli Ikkala will continue his research on nature-inspired materials and will find himself again as an organist after his busy research career. Esa Saarinen, on the other hand, continued to lecture the Philosophy and Systems Thinking (Filosofia ja systeemiajattelu) course to packed halls this spring. When they met, they discussed the organ and the atmosphere of the lectures.
Professori Maria Sammalkorpi ja professori Ville Miikkulainen
Appointments Published:

Two new professors appointed at the School of Chemical Engineering

Maria Sammalkorpi has been appointed Associate Professor and Ville Miikkulainen has been appointed Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Material Sciences.

Contact us

 Prof. Markus Linder

Prof. Markus Linder

LIBER director
 Prof. Jaakko Timonen

Prof. Jaakko Timonen

LIBER vice-director
 Dr. Maryam Borghei

Dr. Maryam Borghei

LIBER coordinator
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