
Defence of dissertation in the field of Communications Engineering, M.Sc. (Tech.) Osman Nuri Can Yilmaz

The title of thesis is “Optimization in Self-Organizing Cellular Networks”

Self-Organizing Networks (SON) allows the automated control of various network parameters. With minimal human interaction, SON aims to provide greater performance gains in comparison to legacy optimization solutions. As a result of more efficient and dynamic use of network resources, it is expected that both operational and capital expenditures are minimized. In this regard, the doctoral dissertation contributed to the ongoing SON research by exploring self-optimization capabilities in LTE and its evolution toward 5G. Furthermore, practical solutions were developed for SON use cases and analyzed by means of both analytical and experimental frameworks. System-level simulation results revealed that the network performance could be improved significantly in terms of coverage, capacity, mobility robustness and load balancing.

Opponent: Professor Jukka Lempiäinen, Tampere University of Technology

Custos: Professor Jyri Hämäläinen, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Communications and Networking.

Thesis webpage
Contact information: Osman Nuri Can Yilmaz, [email protected]

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