Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture


A place for creating different kinds of sculpture and installation art, and for developing practical studio skills which enable you to transform concepts into physical forms.
Arts_Infra Sculpture Workshop by Jaakko Kahilaniemi

This open-plan work area is often used as a base for Aalto ARTS foundation studies BA and various free choice contemporary sculpture courses.

In addition, this work area can be utilized for project developments of any Aalto University students, researcher or teacher.

The workshop master can guide workshop users in their choices and options.

During courses and projects, the actual sculpture work environment disseminates into the surrounding Väre workshop area.

Sculpture also collaborates with other specialized workshops ,labs, studios and other parties on Aalto campus: Aalto foundry laboratory, Glass workshop , Fablab.

In the Aalto Contruction workshop is a designated area for sculpting medium to large wood objects with a variety of hand machines and tools.

The undergraduate center otakaari 1 houses a sculpture studio in which life model sculpting is possible.

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