
Aalto Sustainability Hub Advisory Board

The task of the external Advisory Board is to plan and make recommendations regarding the activities of Aalto University, Aalto Sustainability Hub and the content of research programmes. The Advisory Board meets twice a year and its mandate will continue until the end of 2020.
The Advisory Board held its first meeting on 2 November 2018 in Väre. Photo: Cvijeta MIljak
The Advisory Board held its first meeting on 2 November 2018 in Väre.

In the photo: 1st row: SF writer Risto Isomäki, Climate change expert Kaisa Hietala, 2nd row: Investment Director Annareetta Lumme-Timonen (Solidium), Marketing Director Riikka Timonen (Kemira), Adj.Prof. Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki (HELSUS), Ministerial Adviser Taina Nikula (Ministry of Environment), 3rd row: Secretary General Liisa Rohweder (WWF Finland), Member of European Parliament Sirpa Pietikäinen, Director Tuula Antola (City of Espoo),  4th row: Prof. Göran Finnveden (KHT)

Fifteen members from Finland and the international scientific community were invited during summer 2018. Professor Minna Halme, Director of Aalto Sustainability Hub, acts as a chair and senior advisor Meri Löyttyniemi as the catalyzer for activities.

Members of the Advisory Board

Erika Kraemer-Mbula

Erika Kraemer-Mbula

University of Johannesburg, RSA

Erika Kraemer-Mbula’s work focuses of alternative development paths for African countries. She specialises in analysis of innovation systems in connection to equitable and sustainable development, and is a pioneering thinker for informal sector innovation and its links to sustainable development.

Pekka Lundmark

Pekka Lundmark

President & CEO, Nokia

Pekka Lundmark is the President and CEO of Nokia corporation. He is an avid speaker and advocate for driving the change for a cleaner world with a special interest in the opportunities provided by digitalisation across industries. Prior to Nokia he worked as a CEO at Fortum, Konecranes and Hackmann, Managing Partner at Startupfactory and held various executive positions at Nokia. He is the Chair of the Board of Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) and Helsinki Metropolitan Smart & Clean Foundation. He holds a M.Sc. from Helsinki University of Technology.

During autumn 2020, Pekka Lundmark is substituted by Ulla Rehell, VP Sustainability, Fortum.

Tuula Antola

Tuula Antola

Director of Economic and Urban Development, City of Espoo

Tuula Antola is an enthusiastic innovation activist. As Director of Economic and Urban Development, she is in charge of advancing the vitality and sustainable growth of the city, including responsibility over international affairs, employment, city marketing and immigration. She has gained her work experience among others as an entrepreneur, headhunter and environmental management consultant. She is also actively involved in Espoo´s SDG commitment.

Kaisa Hietala

Kaisa Hietala

Partner, Independent Director & Climate change expert

Kaisa Hietala has been among the key leaders behind energy company Neste's transformation during last 10-15 years making its profits from renewable products instead of fossils. Currently she works as a partner at Gaia specializing in combining environmental and climate challenges with business into profitable growth. Kaisa is also the Chairman of the Board of Tracegrow Oy and a member of the Board of Kemira Oyj.

Annareetta Lumme-Timonen

Annareetta Lumme-Timonen

Investment Director, Solidium Oy

Institutional investor, owner and private equity professional with a solid background in sustainability and business. Responsible for managing Solidium’s holdings in Outotec, SSAB, Stora Enso and Valmet, and for leading Solidium’s responsible ownership program. Solidium is a holding company owned by the State of Finland and a minority owner in nationally important listed companies. Its mission is to strengthen and stabilise Finnish ownership in the companies and to increase the value of its holdings.

Riikka Timonen

Riikka Timonen

Director, Business Accelerator, Valmet Oyj

Business strategist focused on leading organizations towards sustainable growth. Riikka has made a long career in the chemicals company Kemira in Sustainability as well as in marketing and application development of the Water treatment business. Today Riikka works in Valmet, where she is driving the development and growth of new and existing businesses with untapped potential.

Sirpa Pietikäinen, photo: Vilja Pursiainen

Sirpa Pietikäinen

Member of European Parliament, EP

Finnish Member of the EP representing the European People’s Party (EPP) since 2008. She acted as Minister of Environment 1991-95 and a Member of the Finnish Parliament 1983-2003. Among many duties at EP, she´s a member of Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) and is currently working actively towards more sustainable finance within EU.

Taina Nikula

Taina Nikula

Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Environment

Taina Nikula works as the ministerial adviser at the Finnish Ministry of Environment. Her responsibilities cover sustainable production and consumption, environmental labels as well as sustainable public procurement. She works also with national Agenda2030 and the national SD commitment “Sitoumus2050” in order to implement SDGs better into Finnish society.

Gail Whiteman

Gail Whiteman

University of Exeter Business School

Professor in Residence for the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Gail Whiteman is a top sustainability scholar and leading pioneer in bringing climate change to corporate boardrooms and beyond for instance through World Economic Forum Arctic Base-camps.

Göran Finnveden

Göran Finnveden

Vice president for Sustainability, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Professor of Environmental Strategic Analysis. During his vice-president term, Göran has done path-breaking work in integration of sustainable development in education, research and cooperation across KTH. He is also a member of KTH's management council and a member of the board of the International Sustainable Campus Network.

Lu Feng

Lu Feng

Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities and Executive Director of Center for Ecological Civilization at Tsinghua University, Beijing

Lu Feng´s research fields cover applied ethics, environmental philosophy, the philosophy of science and technology, and critique of modernity. He worked as a visiting scholar at Harvard, St Andrews and Utrecht University. He has finished several research projects, notably, “The critique of modern western values”. At the moment he is in charge of the project “Advanced study of ethics of science and technology” and is actively leading the discussion around ecological civilization.

Jari Niemelä, photo: Unigrafia, Linda Tammisto

Jari Niemelä

Rector, University of Helsinki

Since his rector appointment, Niemelä emphasizes ’global impact in interaction’ as the founding principle of HY´s operations. Being professor of urban ecology he served as the director of the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) earlier in 2018. From 2004 to 2017, he served as the dean of the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences.

Risto Isomäki

Risto Isomäki

Science Fiction Writer

Risto Isomäki´s novels cover ecological and world-class themes that deals with issues of globalization and developing countries. He has worked with these topics in various non-governmental organizations, including the Friends of the Earth, the Environment and Development Association and KePa. He´s also actively conducting research based activities in combatting climate change.

Liisa Rohweder

Liisa Rohweder

Secretary General, WWF Finland

In addition, being a CEO of WWF Finland, she chairs the WWF Global Arctic Programme. During 2009-16 she was the chair of the WWF Himalayan programme and 2012-17 the chair of the Communications and Marketing Committee of WWF International. She has published several books about sustainability and is an active contributor of societal debates. Liisa has also several board or advisory board memberships. Prior to WWF she was the professor of sustainable development in Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.

Minna Halme

Minna Halme

Chair of the Advisory Board
Director of Aalto Sustainability Hub

Professor of Sustainability Management at Aalto School of Business. Minna is a pioneer researcher in sustainability in business field. She combines her interdisciplinary academic research with awarded societal impact work, and holds a number of positions of trust in companies and Finnish government processes.

Meri löyttyniemi

Meri Löyttyniemi

Senior advisor, Sustainability
Secretary of the Advisory Board
Aalto Sustainability Hub
Research services

In her position as Aalto Sustainability Hub´s team leader, Meri is responsible for Aalto´s overall sustainability including strategic development, communications and reporting, sustainable impact and stakeholder relations. She is also responsible for Aalto´s SDG work, a board member at FIBS ry and is the founder of NSCN, Nordic universities' sustainability network.

Coordination of the Advisory Board

Meri Löyttyniemi

Meri Löyttyniemi

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