

The Suomi 100 satellite is Aalto University’s 3rd CubeSat in space. The 1U satellite has two payloads, a visible light camera and an own designed and built radio instrument. The science goal of the satellite is to study space weather phenomena near the Earth, especially auroras.
Suomi100 satellite

Suomi 100: Space weather satellite

The science goal of the Suomi 100 satellite is to investigate space weather phenomena near the Earth, especially auroras, with its visible light camera and an own radio instrument. The satellite was named in honour of Finland’s 100-year jubilee. The MF/HF frequency radio instrument is the first cubesat instrument designed and built at Aalto University. See more details about the polar orbit 1U Cubesat, which was launched in December 2018, at the satellites homepage.

Project team:

Project leader and Principal Investigator: Prof. Esa Kallio ([email protected])
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Ari-Matti Harri ([email protected])

Project and quality manager: Dr. Antti Kestilä

Systems Engineer: Arno Alho ([email protected])
Payload (Radio instrument): Petri Koskimaa

Onboard software: Jouni Rynö ([email protected]), Juha-Matti Lukkari, Olli Knuuttila ([email protected])

This satellite project has received funding from ‘Finland 100 Years’ organisation established in the Prime Minister’s Office and from the Magnus Ehrnrooth foundation.

Get to know Suomi 100:

Project’s home page:

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