Department of Applied Physics

UHV Scanning Probe Microscopes

Read more about UHV Scanning Probe Microscopes.

Two Createc LT-STMs/AFMs

We operate two Createc low-temperature (LT) scanning tunneling microscopes (STMs) specially designed for working at the atomic scale at a low temperature (T < 6 K) and ultra-high vacuum (base pressure ~ 10-10 mbar) to perform atomic / molecular manipulation and tunneling spectroscopy experiments. The design ensures high stability (dz ~ 1 pm) and small drift (< 2 Å / hour). Long hold time at the base temperature enables demanding experiments on measuring the spatially resolved local density of states and force landscapes. The instruments are equipped with preparation chambers with standard sample preparation facilities (sputtering, annealing, evaporation). One of them combines STM/AFM with surface science sample characterization techniques (LEED, XPS).


  • low current imaging < 1 pA
  • spatially resolved dI/dV and dI/dZ maps
  • inelastic tunneling spectroscopy d2I/dV2


  • quartz tuning fork force sensor (QPlus configuration) for simultaneous AFM and STM on the same atomic location
  • low tip oscillation amplitudes (A < 50 pm)
  • mapping force landscapes with atomic spatial resolution

contact: Prof. Peter Liljeroth

Unisoku USM-1300

The Unisoku USM-1300 is designed for ultralow temperatures down to 300 mK and ultra-high vacuum (base pressure ~ 10-10 mbar) to perform STM and spin-polarized STM experiments in an external magnetic field of up to 11 T. The design ensures high stability (dz ~ 1 pm) and small drift (< 2 Å / hour). In addition, the instrument is equipped with a preparation chamber with standard sample preparation facilities (sputtering, annealing, evaporation).


  • Spatially resolved local density of states
  • Ultralow temperature T = 300 mK
  • High magnetic fields up to 11 T
  • Spin-polarized STM

contact: Prof. Peter Liljeroth

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