
Setting up trusted users and notifications in ACRIS

You can authorise another user to be a trusted user who can work in ACRIS on your behalf. You can also choose how frequently ACRIS notifies you about changes made in ACRIS related to your content.
Adding trusted user in ACRIS
Adding trusted user in ACRIS

To allow a colleague to manage your ACRIS profile without sharing credentials, make them a trusted user:

  1. Click your profile name at the top right corner of ACRIS → Trusted Users → Save
  2. Enter the colleague(s) you want to make your trusted user(s)

Trusted users can maintain your research information using their own ACRIS account.

Switch user in ACRIS
You can switch to another person's profile in ACRIS.

Switch to and edit another person's profile

To switch between profiles, click Switch User in the upper right-hand corner and search for the person's name. The button turns red when viewing another profile. Click it again to return to your profile.

notifications in ACRIS

Notifications sent by ACRIS

ACRIS notifies you of changes made by others to your publications and activities. View these messages in the Notifications section on the right side of the screen. You can also receive email notifications based on your settings:

  1. Log in to with your Aalto credentials
  2. Click your username at the top right corner of ACRIS
  3. Click Email Settings and edit the frequency of emails → Save

VIDEO: How edit your email settings in ACRIS

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This page compiles all ACRIS instructions. ACRIS, Aalto Current Research Information System, is the research information management system of Aalto University. Information is displayed in the public portal

ACRIS Instructions

Aalto Current Research Information System (ACRIS) is Aalto University’s research information management system. The system contains up-to-date information about the research and artistic activities of the university. These activities are shown through the public portal

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Research and Innovation Services

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