
Research equipment and services

Wireless and Internet communication research requires a variety of experimentation and test environment, in addition to simulation and analytical development. Some of the research can be performed in an emulated environment using e.g. radio channel emulation while others need real radio. One experiment needs a 180 units of cheap single board computers; on the other experiment, a full mobile network with several datacenters is required.
Aalto University/Flags

Aalto nextG has several assets enabling near-full scale experiments with networks. Aalto campus area at Otaniemi is well covered with fiber optical cable allowing good connectivity to wireless networks. The 4G/5G wireless network is connected to the national 5G test network (5GTNF). It allows use of multiple mobile cores sharing same radio resources: of 40 mobile networks in Finland, one out of four is operated by Aalto. Different aspects of technologies can be studied in isolation and in joint settings.

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School of Electrical Engineering

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