
Corporate Relations

The corporate relations team promotes cooperation between business and Aalto University. We help companies find the right contacts in Aalto and support the development of strategic partnerships.
Scientists working together in a laboratory / Photo by Aalto University, Mikko Raskinen

We help companies and academic staff get started on collaboration by sharing information on industry experts, collaboration methods and models, events and the latest trends in research and learning. We are particularly committed to promoting new research collaborations.

Together with Aalto's career and recruitment services, we help companies reach students. We offer service packages that include a variety of ways to build employer image or recruit students and meet them on campus.

Corporate collaboration
Contact us at Aalto Corporate Relations

Corporate Relations team

 Outi Toijala

Outi Toijala

Head of Corporate Relations
Pirita Posti

Pirita Posti

Manager, Corporate Relations, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Annemari Rautio

Annemari Rautio

Senior Manager, Corporate Relations, School of Business
Petri Silenius

Petri Silenius

Manager, Corporate Relations, School of Chemical Engineering
Heikki Lahtinen

Heikki Lahtinen

Manager, Corporate Relations, School of Engineering
Susanna Jaarmo

Susanna Jaarmo

Corporate Relations Manager, School of Science
Terhi Kajaste

Terhi Kajaste

Manager, Corporate Relations, Artificial Intelligence, FCAI
Elli Käpylä

Elli Käpylä

Corporate Relations Manager, FinnCERES and Bioinnovation Center
Anne Kosola

Anne Kosola

Manager, Corporate Relations, Partnership Development

Jussi Rantsi

Project Manager, Finnish Artificial Intelligence Region (FAIR EDIH)

The Corporate Relations team is part of Aalto's Advancement and Corporate Engagement (ADCO) unit.

Advancement and Corporate Engagement (ADCO)
This service is provided by:

Advancement and Corporate Engagement

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