
Adding an account in Alpine

Microsoft Outlook provides the best user experience when you use Aalto e-mail.

To access your Office 365 mailbox using Alpine (or Pine) please follow the instructions below. Please note that while these instructions refer to the Alpine email client, the same configuration changes are applicable to Pine.

Aalto cloud email works with Alpine 2.24 or later.

First, it is recommended to login once in your cloud email box with office365 at

Adding an account

1. Sign in to the device Alpine is installed on.

2. If you've never launched Alpine before, run the program to initialize it (create your mailboxes and preferences file).

3. From your home directory, type pico .pinerc to edit your Alpine configuration file and change the following lines:

NOTE: Instances of [email protected] in the lines below must be replaced with your Aalto email address (e.g. John Doe Aalto email address is [email protected])

  • personal-name=YOUR NAME
  • smtp-server=[email protected]/submit/auth=xoauth2
  • inbox-path={[email protected]/auth=xoauth2}INBOX
  • feature-list=enable-dot-folders, enable-incoming-folders
  • folder-collections=="IMAP Folders" {[email protected]/auth=xoauth2}[],
  • disable-these-authenticators=PLAIN

4. Exit the editor and re-launch Alpine.

5. When Auth Flow is asked, choose “xxx”(Device) – not “xxx”(Authorize)

6. Then, on the next page, you have an URL and a string that you can copy

7. and paste on a browser to start login in with your Aalto credentials.

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IT Services

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