
Acknowledging research infrastructures in ACRIS

Funding agencies partially base their decisions on infrastructure usage and research output, making it crucial to acknowledge research infrastructure in your publications. This guide helps you link your ACRIS research output records to Aalto University research infrastructure, equipment, and facilities (RI) information.

If you've utilized Aalto infrastructure for your research:

  1. Include acknowledgments in your research output (e.g., journal articles or conference papers):
    • … The computational resources provided by  Aalto Science-IT are  acknowledged…
    • … The authors acknowledge the provision of facilities  and  technical support by Aalto University OtaNano – Nanofabrication Centre, Otanano -Nanomicroscopy Center  and  Science-IT….
    • The authors acknowledge the Aalto University  Bioeconomy research infrastructure as well as Raw Materials Research Infrastructure
  2. ACRIS staff will link the infrastructure to the research output record during the publication's importing/validation process:
    • Staff checks acknowledgments included in the publications.
    • Staff adds links to infrastructure based on acknowledgments.
  3. When adding a new research output record to ACRIS, link the infrastructure to the record (publication metadata):
    • See Instructions on how to add an article record to ACRIS
    • Scroll down the record to Relations-section 
    • Select Facilities/Equipment and search for the appropriate infra by typing the infra’s name into the search field (list of infra names available below)
    • Click Save to close the form 
  4. Check your ACRIS research output records for missing infrastructure links: 
    • Add missing links yourself or contact [email protected] for assistance.
    • Open your ACRIS profile and click Edit Profile.
    • Click Relations and choose My Output Records.
    • Open output records where you've utilized infrastructure.
    • Scroll down to the Relations section and check Facilities/Equipment.
    • Add links to infrastructure as needed.

Note: Certain infrastructures encompass sub-infrastructures. When linking to a publication, it's essential to connect both the main infrastructure and its associated sub-infrastructure.

Link OtaNano to records when linking any of the following sub-infrastructures:

  • OtaNano – Low Temperature Laboratory
  • OtaNano – Nanofab
  • OtaNano – Nanomicroscopy Center

Link i3 to records when linking any of the following sub-infrastructures:

  • 3D-studio
  • Solid Mechanics Laboratory
  • Spectral lab

Link Aalto Studio to records when linking the following sub-infrastructure:

  • MAGICS – Media, Arts, Games, Interaction, Computing, Science

If you use any of the following infrastructure please tag  Aalto Studios in ACRIS:

  • Takeout
  • Roihupelto Studio
  • Kallio Stage
  • Väre AV-facilities
  • Learning Centre studios (MediaSpace)
  • Otakaari 7, all facilities 
  • Aalto Fablab
  • Odeion auditoriom / Film Theatre
  • Aalto Studios AV-production team services
  • Aalto Studios Web Studio services
  • MAGICS (subinfra to Aalto Studios, please tag both MAGICS and Aalto Studios in ACRIS)

If you use any of the following infrastructure please tag  ARTS Workshops in ACRIS:

  • Workshops in Väre building
  • Sinco-lab

Research output records linked to infrastructure are showcased on each infrastructure's webpage:

Aalto University infrastructures:

New infrastructures are added to ACRIS by service staff (contact: Mikko Mikkola, [email protected]).

For questions about infrastructures in ACRIS, contact [email protected].

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This page compiles all ACRIS instructions. ACRIS, Aalto Current Research Information System, is the research information management system of Aalto University. Information is displayed in the public portal

ACRIS Instructions

Aalto Current Research Information System (ACRIS) is Aalto University’s research information management system. The system contains up-to-date information about the research and artistic activities of the university. These activities are shown through the public portal

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