School of Engineering

ADDLAB projects

The 3DP research group is involved in several significant research projects. Below you can find a short introduction to a number of the ongoing and former projects.
Addmanu_descriptive_image_courtesy EIT-MFG
ADDMANU is educational project in EIT framework

EIT-ADDMANU | Additive Manufacturing Teaching Factory


EIT-AddManu will provide hands-on learning nuggets for teaching Additive Manufacturing in higher academic and industrial education. The targeted course work, which will be made available on a guided learning-platform, contains tools for teaching AM in terms of design, screening suitable AM systems and selecting the right material for the job. Questions of regulatory topics together with international and industrial standards will also be addressed. Public as well as private educational institutions from Austria, Finland, the Netherlands and Spain are contributing to EIT-AddManu with innovative and relevant learning nuggets, aiming at motivating and educating the future generation of European AM specialists. Main objectives of this project are to provide a nugget-based, application-oriented AM curriculum for European universities, implement this curriculum in the three participating partner universities and educate at least 200 students over the project period of 24 months, evaluate the outcome considering feedback of participating students, educators and industrial partners, and provide an internet-based repository which can serve as input for a later-stage EIT master and/or PhD-curriculum. 

Collaborators:  Aalto University ENG, TU Wien, TU Delft, Mondragon University 

Funding: EIT Manufacturing 




CRAFTH is a circular design hackathon where companies will offer real life cases to make products more circular via prototyping. These challenges will be tackled by multidisciplinary teams consisting of PHD students and professionals. The objectives of this project are two fold: making selected products more circular on the one hand and generating new insights for participants on circular product design by hands-on training on the other hand. The first hackathon is organized in Kortijk by Gent University in 2020. The second round of hackathons are organized in Clausthal-Zellerfeld by UT Clausthal, and in Espoo by Aalto University in 2021. 

Collaborators: Aalto University ENG, Arkema, Clausthal TU, Ghent University, Hub Innovazione Trentino -Fondazione (HIT), Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek NV (VITO)

Funding: EIT RawMaterials

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3DFOTO | New Materials and Components for Photonics 3D Printing


3D printing of optics and other photonic components in acceptable quality has only recently 
become possible. So far, the potential of 3D printing to print completely new types of components cannot be exploited; the biggest obstacle is the scarcity and compatibility of suitable print media. The purpose of this co-creation project is to start solving this problem and to create a basis for a co-innovation project for the production of completely new types of photonics components in cooperation with industry. other objectives include building a consortium for the co-innovation project.

Collaborators: Aalto University ENG, Aalto University CHEM, University of Eastern Finland 

Funding: Co-creation Business Finland, industry partners

In valuebiomat biomaterials are 3D printed



Valuebiomat explores bio-oils based polymeric composites encompassing the whole value chain from synthesis to additive manufacturing. This project assists in the transformation from fossil petro-chemistry based polymeric materials to sustainable, renewable and carbon-binding ones, in order to enable resource efficient production and to foster re- and up-cycling of plastics. The main objectives of this project in WP2 (additive Manufacturing) include the testing of developed new bio-oil based polymeric composites, deploying developed materials in additive manufacturing technologies (selective laser sintering, continuous fiber 3D printing, granules-based 3D printing) to manufacture complex polymeric structures and designs, development of a novel AM system for (continuous) fiber 3D printing, and computational modeling of novel material/manufacturing process interactions.

Collaborators: Aalto University ENG, Aalto University CHEM, Aalto University SCI, 209-Environmental science, University of Lapland faculty of Law, VTT Business, Innovations & Ecosystems, numerous industry partners

Funding: Academy of Finland

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DIDIMINH | Direct Digital Manufacturing in Healthcare Production and Operations


In this project the value chain of 3D printed medical models and implants in hospital environment is investigated. The goal is to look at current value chains, actors in those areas, and the locations of different actions. Based on gathered information we can research how those value chains could be improved, and therefore solve the current problems and limitations. This also gives a founding to investigate how the fast development of 3D printing and other technologies might change this in the future. As a result, 3D printing can be utilized in hospital in more efficient ways today as well as the future.

Collaborators: Aalto University, international collaborators

Funding: Academy of Finland

3D printed ceramics
3D printed ceramics (Ashish Mohite)

3DKERA | Business Opportunities for Ceramic 3D Printing


The Co-creation project 3DKERA aims to explore 3D printing in context of ceramics, and opens new possibilities to create structurally demanding shapes and new ways to use materials.  The project concentrates on material research for 3D printing, developing 3D printing technology for ceramics, creating business models for implementing 3D printed ceramics, networking opportunities and the way it could help tourism in the north of Finland. The first of these is based on using reindeer bone waste in the base material for the ceramics, especially 3D printed ceramics. This commercial reindeer bone porcelain would serve as a way to exploit local waste material and give unique flavour for the tourism. There are only few 3D printers which are designed for the ceramics in the market at the moment. This project will continue developing ceramics 3D printers to find the most suitable business opportunities. This Aalto university led project will survey these opportunities and create network for the Co-Innovation project. 

Collaborators: Aalto University ENG, Aalto University ARTS, Kerasil Oy, 3DTech Oy, Fiskars, Sodankylä, Arctic Ceramic Center

Funding: Co-Creation Business Finland 

Digital spareparts and new business models

DIVALIITO | Digital Spare Parts Business


About 5% of company spare parts are currently suitable as digital spare parts: they could be stored and transferred digitally and manufactured as needed by 3D printing close to the end user. Digital spare parts are already utilized e.g. in the automotive industry, but research and development is needed for the wider deployment of digital spare parts: tools for spare parts digitization, 3D printing materials, quality assurance and manufacturing process management. The vision for the future is that in ten years' time, about 10% of spare parts will be digital, the technology will be reliable and of high quality, and new spare parts concepts will also be introduced. The Digital Spare Parts Business project develops methods for identifying 3D printable parts from spare parts libraries, compiles and generates new information on the properties of 3D printing materials, and compares the properties with traditional finishing materials - and processes. The project investigates and develops new spare parts business concepts, such as intelligent spare parts, embedded in the manufacturing phase with various tags and sensors, and explores the interconnection of stages throughout the manufacturing process chain, especially in terms of digital communication, workflow and automation. The aim of the research project is to increase the competitiveness of Finnish companies, strengthen their international business, improve the availability of spare parts,

Collaborators: Aalto University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Industry partners

Funding: Business Finland, Aalto University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd., Kiwa Inspecta Oy, KONE Oyj, Valmet Technologies Oy, Wärtsilä Services Switzerland Ltd.

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The 3D separator approach makes it possible for machine vision to recognize components more easily and increases the packing efficiency, which means that fewer containers need to be shipped and more parts can be handled in a single transportation batch during production. The main objectives of the OEDIPUS project include development of the 3D Locator concept, development of the 3D Locator module for DeskArtes DataExpert, testing of manufactured 3D Locators at the CRF Melfi plant, and development of the AM automation support module for 3DataExpert.

Collaborators: Aalto University ENG, DeskArtes Oy, CEA, Fiat Research Center, Siemens, European Institute of Technology 

Funding: EIT Digital

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3D-BIOMAT | 3D-Manufacturing of Novel Biomaterials 


Industrial biorefineries play a great role in implementing national bioeconomy strategy and promoting the development towards renewable resource utilization. The grand challenge in biorefining is the full utilization of biomass into high value-added products. 3D-Biomat- ‘3D-Manufacturing of Novel Biomaterials’ will provide valorization pathways to overcome this gap. The consortium covers research of the whole biomaterials value chain, i.e. from digital product design to novel material and production technologies. New production route to be developed as part of the project will offer revolutionary pathways for biorefining and enable novel distributed, local and small-medium scale production opportunities. The 3D-Biomat also aims at promoting circular bioeconomy. The main objectives of this research project are to develop new material concepts and production value chains by combining novel biomaterials with the fast-developing 3D-additive manufacturing technologies. 3D-Biomat project has the following three thrust areas; fundamental research of polymeric biomaterials; customized use of the developed renewable materials and upcycling; and creation of business concepts merged with digitization and cyber space 

Collaborators: Aalto University ENG, Aalto University CHEM 

Funding: Academy of Finland under the umbrella of ‘Bio-future 2025’, Aalto University

Reconstruction plate
Reconstruction plate FEM analysis

CRA-MAX-S | Patient Specific Composite Scaffolds for Treatment of Large Cranio-maxillofacial Defects 


This project aims at developing new engineered solutions for the treatment of large bone defects the cranio-maxillofacial (CMF) area. Additionally, the project aims at developing a complete workflow for rapid, accurate anatomical reconstruction of the cranio-maxillofacial defects, using additive manufacturing (AM) based on computed tomography (CT) images for fabrication of scaffolds. The scaffolds will be prepared from poly trimethylene carbonate (PTMC), a biocompatible polymer that degrades enzymatically. The full workflow of producing custom-made PTMC-CaP implants will be tested in a large animal model to assess safety and efficacy. The main objectives of the project include, development of biodegradable and bone forming (osteoinductive or osteoconductive) composite that can be 3D printed into patient specific implants and sterilized by feasible sterilization methods, biocompatibility testing in vitro and reconstruction of large bone defects in vivo in a proof-of-concept large animal implantation study, and optimization of the patient specific implant manufacturing process and development of automation for implant design based on CT imaging. 

Collaborators: Aalto University ENG, Aalto University CHEM, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki University, University of Twente, Planmeca Oy, DeskArtes Oy, Mectalent Medical Services Oy, Versotec Oy

Funding: Business Finland

AM in Value chain
AM and in value chain

FIN3D | Finnish Industry New Age 3D


FIN3D is a foundry and machine shop related development project for enhancing Finnish industry’s ability to implement enabling technologies such as Industrial Internet and 3D printing in their production. The research aims to clarify the use of new technologies in an environment that is characteristic to Finnish industry and focuses on unique and small series production. The objectives of this project include study of digital identification methods, recognition of digital manufacturing possibilities in small series production. To achieve these goals, traditional machine shop equipment and a 3D printer are instrumented with IoT sensors and digital status information is transmitted onto cloud platform for production monitoring. 3D finishing experiments are used to find machinability differences of components origin from different manufacturing processes. The main objectivities of the project are as followed: Implementation of Industrial Internet in real production, component tracking and identification in foundry environment, production monitoring of connected value chains, and 3D printing: toolless processes in addition to traditional manufacturing 

Collaborators: Aalto University ENG, Kavo Kerr Oy, Nokia Oyj, Oras Oy, Outotec Oyj, Hetitec Oy, Technology industries finland, Association of Finnish Foundry Industry 

Funding: Business Finland 

Digital spareparts change part logistics

DIVA | Digital Spare Parts


Digital Spare Parts (DIVA) is a concept in which spare parts and related information are transferred and stored digitally. The spare part is manufactured by 3D printing as needed, usually close to the end user. The project investigates new operating and earning models related to digital spare parts, technological potential now and in the future, and builds the conditions for a functioning network. Digital spare parts is a joint strategic project of Aalto University and VTT and 13 Finnish companies as well as other international institutions.

Collaborators: Aalto University, VTT, Finnish companies, Politecnico di Milano, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology.

Funding: Business Finland

ABS plastic parts
DDShape can create shapes to plastic sheets

DDSHAPE | Direct Digital Shaping 


DDShape (Direct Digital Shaping) is a new groundbreaking technology for plastic sheet thermoforming that has been developed in Aalto University. This technology makes it possible to produce individual three-dimensional shapes quickly and cost-effectively without an expensive mold. It can be used with almost any thermoplastic sheet materials, making it suitable for various industrial applications and it can be used rapid prototyping and small-scale production. Main objectivities and results of this project include, further develop of the technology, testing materials for the technology, market study for the need of this technology, IPR protection, and preparation towards the launch of new start-up company. 

Collaborators: Aalto University, Akukon, Consolis Parma, Ala Architects, Innolux 

Funding: Tekes TUTL-program

ADDLAB, Aalto University Digital Design Laboratory

ADDLAB, Aalto University Digital Design Laboratory, is a research organization initiated by the Aalto University's School of Engineering and School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

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