Oikeustieteen päivät 2019: Digitalization and the Law
The conference will be held at Aalto University’s Otaniemi campus in Espoo. The topic of the conference is “Digitalization and the law: how will digitalization affect legislation and the legal industry?”. The seminar examines different topics within the area of digitalization and law. Although digitalization’s effects on the law and the whole industry have been a hot topic for a while, development of digitalization is fast and many aspects of the topic still remain unclear and unsolved. Digitalization has the power to change the existing risks and introduces a new breed of risks also into the legal field, which raises interesting questions of legal liability.
Organizers welcome both established scholars and doctoral students interested in presenting their research dealing with the topic of the seminar in workshops. Candidates are invited to apply by submitting an abstract (500 words max) by 30th of April 2019 to [email protected] will be informed by 15th of June 2019 the latest, whether they have been selected for the conference.
The working language of the conference is English. Workshop presentations can also be held in Finnish.
Plenum and Parallel Sessions
As in previous years, part of the conference will take place in the form of plenum and parallel sessions. These sessions allow interested scholars to present their most recent research on any topic related to law and digitalization (including jurisdiction-specific topics).
Lunch and coffee is served on both days.
Speakers are expected to cover their costs for travel and hotel expenses.
To register for the conference, please fill out the form below by 30th of June 2019.
If you have any questions concerning the conference, please contact Marja Luukkonen, [email protected].
Schedule of the Conference
Schedule of the Conference Oikeustieteen päivät 2019, Aalto University Business of School, (Ekonominaukio 1, Espoo)
Wednesday 28th of August
- 8.30-9.30 Registration and welcome coffee
- 9.30-10.00 Welcome to the Conference (Place: Seminar hall V001-V002)
- Opening words, Dean Ingmar Björkman
- Chair, Professor Petri Kuoppamäki
- 10.00-11.00 Keynote Speeches (Place: Seminar hall V001-V002, chair prof. Petri Kuoppamäki)
- Professor Heribert M. Anzinger: Smart Contracts: Enforcement, dispute resolution and consumer protection within and beyond the private law system
- Professor Eliza Mik: Smart contracts and computational law related programming language issues
- 11.10-12.45 Workshop I
- Group A (Place: Seminar hall T004; chair prof. Matti Rudanko)
- 1. Associate professor Helena Haapio: Proactive Legal Design in Action: Design Patterns for Next Generation Contracts and Policies
- 2. Post-doctoral researcher Maria Solarte: Smart contracts and design
- 3. Doctoral student Suvi Hirvonen-Ere: The Way of Business Contracts – How to Promote (Transport) Sustainability and Incentivize Green Economy via Contract Management
- Group B (in Finnish) (Place: Seminar hall T003; chair prof. Tomi Viitala)
- 1. Doctoral student Joonas Widlund: Suomen tiedustelulainsäädäntö ja perusoikeudet: tietoliikennetiedustelun perusoikeudelliset näkökulmat
- 2. Post-doctoral researcher Matti Muukkonen: Kunnan velvollisuudesta julkaista tietoja ja päätöksiä yleisessä tietoverkossa
- 3. Professor Juha Lindgren &Adjunct professor Timo Torkkel: Digitalisaatio ja tulovero-oikeudelliset haasteet
- 12.45-14.00 Lunch
- 14.00-15.45 Workshop II
- Group A (Place: Seminar hall T003; chair prof. Kari Hoppu)
- 1. Doctoral student Elena Vester: Copyright in the age of Internet: Quest for optimization of governance
- 2. Doctoral student Heidi Härkönen: Fashion, copyright and artificial intelligence – new creative environment comes with new copyright issues
- 3. Post-doctoral researcher Anette Alén-Savikko: Journalism, news and automation
- Group B (Place: Seminar hall T004; chair prof. Petri Kuoppamäki)
- 1. Professor Petri Mäntysaari: Legal and regulatory issues of Internet of Things
- 2. University teacher Siina Raskulla: Ethics of AI: Necessary Evil or a Whole New World?
- 3. Senior advisor for legislative affairs (Ministry of Finance), doctoral student Ilkka Harju: Crowdfunding
- 15.45-16.15 Coffee
- 16.15-17.15 Keynote Speeches (Place: Seminar hall V001-V002, chair prof. Petri Kuoppamäki)
- Professor Outi Korhonen: Regulating the Blockchain Society
- Assistant professor Riikka Koulu: Towards digitalisation of legal practices? Example of automated legal decision making
- 17.15 Cocktails hosted by the City of Espoo
Thursday 29th of August
- 9.00-10.30 Workshop III
- Group A (Place: Seminar hall U006; chair prof. Matti Rudanko)
- 1. Doctoral student Emmanuel Salami: Robots and Autonomous Transport Vehicles vs The principles of data protection law: Is Compatibility really an Impossibility
- 2. Doctoral student Kaisa-Maria Kimmel: Regulating Priorities in Adopting New Technologies in Health Care: Consolidating Equal Access, Cost-effectiveness and Innovation
- 3. Professor Matti Niemi: On Adoption of Electronic Conveyancing of Real Property
- Group B (Place: Seminar hall T004; prof. Petri Kuoppamäki)
- 1. Doctoral student Maria Wasastjerna: Competition, data and privacy in the digital economy;
- 2. Post-doctoral researcher Beata Mäihäniemi: Intersection between digital markets and competition law. De lege ferenda forspecifications and scope of the Article 102
- 3. Senior lecturer Kirsi-Maria Halonen: Digitalisation in public procurement: step forward or two steps back?
- Group C: Law teachers’ pedagogical network: The myths and digitools of law teacher* (Place: Seminar hall T003; chair university lecturer Sampo Mielityinen)
- 1. Introduction to law teachers’ pedagogical network
- 2. Myths of legal education
- 10.30-11.00 Coffee
- 11.00-12.30 Workshop IV
- Group A (in Finnish/English) (Place: Seminar hall U006; chair university lecturer Marja Luukkonen)
- 1. Doctoral student Leena Jukka: Tieteellisten teosten tekijyys digitaalisuuden aikana
- 2. Post-doctoral researcher Visa Kurki: Ryhmätoimijat oikeudessa: oikeusteoreettinen tutkimus
- 3. Post-doctoral researcher Heta Heiskanen &Post-doctoral researcher Niina Meriläinen & Professor Jukka Viljanen: Lausuntopalvelu.fi - Is equal virtual participation for all youths in law-making a dream or reality?
- Group B (Place: Seminar hall T004, chair prof. Matti Rudanko)
- 1. Post-doctoral researcher Jaakko Salminen &University lecturer Mikko Rajavuori: A Platform Operator’s Liability for Value Chain Governance
- 2. Post-doctoral researcher Shakila Bu-Pasha: Will data processing involve "high risk" requiring Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) in initiating digital smart city?
- 3. Post-doctoral researcher Petra Hietanen-Kunwald: Can mediation be digital? The challenges of digitalizing mediation
- Group C: Law teachers’ pedagogical network (continues) (Place: Seminar hall T003, chair university lecturer Sampo Mielityinen)
- 1. Teachers’ favorite digital tools: best practices and experimentation
- 2. Planning the activities of peda network in 2019-2020
- 12.40-14.00 Lunch
- 14.00 Keynote Speeches (Place: Seminar hall V001-V002, chair prof. Petri Kuoppamäki)
- Professor Taina Pihlajarinne: Digitalization, sustainability and IPRs
- 14.35 End of the Conference (Place: Seminar hall V001-V002)
* Law teachers’ pedagogical network: The myths and digitools of law teacher
The aims: In the workshop, the participants will
- discuss basic presumptions of teaching and learning the law
- experiment with various digital tools which may come in handy when teaching large groups, and
- plan the activities of law teachers’ pedagogical network (“pedanyyttärit”) in 2019-2020.
For whom?: For all legal scholars and teachers interested in developing the pedagogy of legal education. You do not need to make any preparations for the workshop. In case you’d like to share your best practices related to digital pedagogical tools, please contact the facilitator in advance (sampo.mielityinen(at)uef.fi).
- 9.00-9.15 Introduction
- 9.15-10.30 Myths of legal education
- 10.30-11.00 Coffee
- 11.00-11.55 Teachers’ favorite digital tools: best practices and experimentation
- 11.55-12.30 Planning the activities of peda network in 2019-2020
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