Research & Art

The use of animals in research

Some research at Aalto university involves the study of non-human animals. This page lists more information about the university's official statement on research involving animals, links to the relevant regulations and approval process, and links to stories about research involving aniamals.

Aalto university statement on research involving non-human animals

Aalto university only permits the use of animals in research:

  • if there is no alternative way to get the data
  • if the work minimizes the number of animals used per research study
  • if the living conditions and research methods minimize animal suffering and maximize animal welfare

Aalto university only allows work which takes place in facilities, and with techniques that are accredited to international standards and local laws, and are reviewed and approved by the relevant licensing authorities.

Aalto university research ethics committee

Ethical approval at Aalto University

Aalto University has an operating license for scientific animal research issued by the Regional state administrative agency.

Information about the ethical approval process, including requirements for research involving animals, can be found at the web page How to make an ethics self-assessment in research projects - Aalto support and guidelines

Laws and regulations

Act on the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific or Educational Purposes (497/2013)

Government Decree on the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific or Educational Purposes (564/2013)

Stories about research involving non-human animals

A selection of news articles about our research involving non-human animals

Scientists develop a sound device to allow monkeys living in a Finnish zoo to play sounds and music

The use of sounds is a promising way to improve the life and wellbeing of animals living in captivity

Two white-face sakis sitting on a tree branch and grooming in Korkeasaari Zoo

Finding your way in the dark depends on your internal clock

Surprising results show how circadian rhythm changes the way mammals can see

A cartoon of a mouse seeing a light in a maze

Studying vision in pitch-darkness shines light on how a mammal’s brain drives behaviour

Neuroscientists link mammalian behaviour to its underlying neural code at the unprecedented resolution of individual nerve impulses for the first time.

An illustration of a ray of light causing the eye to find a route through a maze in the brain. Illustration by Safa Hovinen.

Measuring forces of living cells and microorganisms

Force sensors to study living cells and microorganisms with extraordinary precision

A nematode worm held in a micropipette
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