RAI2018 - Research, Art and Impact Assessment
Aalto University Research, Art and Impact (RAI) Assessment 2018
When founded in 2010, Aalto University was given a national mission to strengthen the innovative capacity of Finland through first-class research, art and education. From the beginning, Aalto University has ambitiously developed activities based on high quality research and artistic work, and strived to build a university that is more competitive, more focused but also more collaborative across disciplines.
To evaluate the development, performance, and the future potential, Aalto University carried out a Research, Art, and Impact Assessment in 2018. The quality of research and artistic activity, as well as the societal impact were subject to an international evaluation to consolidate Aalto's international standing, and to identify fields with world-class potential.
Summary of RAI2018 assessment
The chairs of the nine panels had the same main message: Aalto University has taken a giant leap forward in less than ten years. Praise was given to, for instance, the university’s strong, internationally known brand, the tenure track system leading to further internationalisation, the hierarchy supporting a good working atmosphere, high-quality infrastructure, cooperation with companies and the student-led entrepreneurial ecosystem. “Very positive sense of desire to develop Aalto to its best potential, at all levels.” “Excellent potential for achieving broad and ambitious goals for both research excellence and societal impact”, summarized the panel chairs.
Multiple panel suggested the reinforcement of diversity and, in particular, increasing the proportion of women scientists as an important area for development. The role of platforms as accelerators of multidisciplinary research should be clarified and supported even more. The panels also encouraged Aalto to critically examine the borders between different schools and departments and to consider what kind of organisational model would best support the implementation of the university’s special mission.
A bibliometric analysis conducted by CWTS recorded Aalto University to be a robust research organization, with overall a proper embeddedness into the international academic community. Research at Aalto is well cited: 20% over world average, which is seen as a sign of impact. The highest impact was observed in categories Physics and Business. On average, Aalto publishes in very high-level journals. Publications are done primarily in collaboration with foreign partners, which tends to increase the citation impact significantly. Aalto's research fields have a clear applied focus and 8% of publications have industry collaborators.
Objectives of the Assessment:
- To assess quality and potential of research, arts, design and architecture;
- To assess the success of multidisciplinary collaboration within Aalto;
- To assess Aalto's research impact, artistic impact, societal impact, and innovative capacity;
- To identify leading international spearheads and emerging research strengths;
- To stimulate and encourage world-class research and artistic activities;
- To give feedback to the Units of Assessments;
- To position Units of Assessments nationally and internationally;
- To strengthen the Aalto University brand
- To provide cases and evidence of Aalto's development.
The assessment period covered five years period from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2017, and the research, artistic and impact results described in the assessment materials relate to this period only.The Assessment was carried out as a peer-review process conducted by external, international, independent, and high-level experts in fields relevant to Aalto's research and artistic profile. The peer-review Panels visited Aalto University to assess the Units during the Site Visit Week 27-31 August 2018. The Assessment was based on the written self-assessments of the Units of the Assessment, including case studies, bibliometric data, and other indicators of quality and impact of the research and artistic work, as well as on the interviews conducted by the Panels during the site visit. The Units of Assessment submited evidence of the achievements during the five-year period and describe their future-potential taking into account the faculty renewal that has taken place.
The experts were divided to Panels based on research and artistic fields. Assessment Fields reflect Aalto University’s four core competence areas: Arts and design knowledge building, Global business dynamics, ICT and digitalisation, Materials and sustainable use of natural resources, and the three grand challenge research areas: Advanced energy solutions, Health and wellbeing, and Human-centered living environments. Each Assessment Field consists of several Units of Assessment that cover all Aalto University Schools and Departments.
The Assessment fields reflect Aalto University’s seven key research areas that comprise four core competence areas: Arts and design knowledge building, Global business dynamics, ICT and digitalisation, Materials and sustainable use of natural resources; and three grand challenge research areas: Advanced energy solutions, Health and wellbeing, and Human-centered living environments.
In the RAI 2018, Fields 1-4 cover Aalto's four core competence key research areas. Each Assessment Field consists of several Units of Assessment that cover all Aalto University Schools and Departments.
Field 1: Arts, design and architecture
Field 2: Business and economics
Field 3a: Chemical engineering and physics Field 3b: Engineering
Field 4: ICT and mathematics
Assessment Fields 5-7 cover the multi-disciplinary grand challenge key research areas. Combined in a single Unit of Assessment, each Unit includes researchers and research groups from various Aalto University Schools and Departments. Assessment Field 8 covers the university-wide innovation ecosystem as a whole, including also activities that take place outside the departments.
Field 5: Energy
Field 6: Health and wellbeing
Field 7: Living environment
Field 8: Innovation ecosystem
Assessment Units
Field 1: Arts, design and architecture
1. Department of Architecture (ARTS)
2. Department of Art (ARTS)
3. Department of Design (ARTS)
4. Department of Film, Television and Scenography (ARTS)
5. Department of Media (ARTS)
Field 2: Business and economics
6. Department of Accounting (BIZ)
7. Department of Economics (BIZ)
8. Department of Finance (BIZ)
9. Department of Management Studies (BIZ)
10. Department of Marketing (BIZ)
11. Department of Industrial Engineering and Management (SCI)
12. Department of Information and Service Economy (BIZ)
Field 3a. Chemical engineering and physics
13. Department of Applied Physics (SCI)
14. Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems (CHEM)
15. Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering (CHEM)
16. Department of Chemistry and Materials Science (CHEM)
17. Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering (SCI)
Field 3b. Engineering
18. Department of Built Environment (ENG)
19. Department of Civil Engineering (ENG)
20. Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation (ELEC)
21. Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering (ELEC)
22. Department of Mechanical Engineering (ENG)
Field 4: ICT and mathematics
23. Department of Communications and Networking (ELEC)
24. Department of Computer Science (SCI)
25. Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis (SCI)
26. Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics (ELEC)
Multidisciplinary Assessment Fields (cover part of Aalto, overlap Fields 1-4)
Field 5: Energy
Field 6: Health and wellbeing
Field 7: Living environment
Field 8: Innovation ecosystem
The Assessment is based on the following material:
- Written self-assessments, including case studies
- Bibliometric data, and other indicators of quality and impact of the research and artistic work;
- Interviews conducted by the Panels during the site visit.
The Panels are asked to assess following subjects and present statements for each Unit of Assessment:
- A statement on the research and artistic profile and how the activities relate to the Aalto University strategy and Key Research Areas;
- Numerical ratings and written statements for each of the following elements:
- Excellence, quality and the extent and impact of multidisciplinary collaboration of the research and artistic activities;
- Impact of the research and artistic activities on the research/artistic community;
- Societal impact and the entrepreneurial and innovative capacity;
- Strengths and weaknesses of the research and artistic environment (SWOT analysis);
- Future potential
- Recommendations for the future
Each Assessment Panel shall reach a collective decision based on the written material, interviews conducted during the site visits, additional material requested by the Panel Chair before/during the site visits, and discussions among the Panel members.
The numerical rating scale applied in the Assessment is the following:
6 - Outstanding International Level
5 - Excellent International Level
4 - Very Good International Level
3 - Good International Level
2 - Fair International Level
1 - Emerging International Level
For the purposes of defining quality levels, “international” is a quality benchmark. The wording “international level” shall not be equated with work on international themes. Here, “international level” indicates the Units' standing in comparison with internationally established research units in the same field of research. For example, the quality of the interaction between the Unit of Assessment and society (i.e. the societal impact) may be assessed to "Outstanding International Level" even if the interaction takes place mainly at the national or even local level, if this is the case also in the best international units in the same field of research.
The public final report of the assessment is available below. Aalto personnel and students can log in to see the full versions of all Field and Department reports, too.
For more information, please contact:
Ella Bingham, Head of Research Services, [email protected]
Erja Ämmälahti, Senior advisor, tel. +358 50 413 1449, [email protected]
Krisztina Cziner, Project Manager of RAI2018, tel. +358 503161028, [email protected]
Marjo Kettunen, Project Manager of RAI2018, tel. +358 50 3042827, [email protected]
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Research assessments
Aalto University regularly assess the quality of its research and artistic activities, and its societal impact. The assessment is based on internationally agreed best practices and peer review.