Research & Art

Previous Väre Exhibitions 2019

List of previous exhibitions at Väre 2019
'Puu ja Savi-Wood and Clay' course exhibition organised by Nathalie Lautenbacher. Väre Main Lobby, March 2019. Image: Eeva SuorlahtiJPG
'Puu ja Savi-Wood and Clay' course exhibition organised by Nathalie Lautenbacher. Väre March 2019. Image: Eeva Suorlahti

Väre Exhibitions 2019

Winter Exhibitions:

04.01-08.02.2019 // FE Lobby // Exhibition organised by Piia Lempiäinen  

07.01-23.02.2019 // K Corridor // Stucturalism Exhibition organised by Luka Piskorec 

11.01-31.01.2019 // V1 Gallery // Autumn Salon Exhibition organised by Tuomo Saali

14.01-30.01 // FK Lobby // Ceramics Exhibition organised by Siina Levonoja 

21.01-10.02.2019 // V2 Gallery //  The Infiltrators by artist group ART4, Exhibition organised by Jaana Brinck, Riikka Latva-Somppi, Merja Ranki and Outi Turpeinen Exhibition organised by ART4 Group

21.01-10.02.2019 // Main Lobby // Exhibition organised by Ransu Helenius 

01.02-05.02.2019 // Kipsari Lobby // Design - 3D Printing Exhibition organised by Nur Horsanalı

05.02-24.02.2019 // Piano Lobby // ViCCA course exhibition organised by Naya Magaliou

06.02-20.02.2019 // V1 Gallery // Exhibition organised by Tomi Dufva

10.02-30.02.2019 // FE Lobby // Exhibition organised by Laura Isoniemi

11.02-01.03.2019 // Main Lobby, V2 Gallery, LQ Lobby, Kipsari Lobby // Sculpture now! Course exhibition organised by Andy Best

11.02-01.03.2019 // F Lobby // BA Glass Design exhibition organised by Gianluca Giabardo

12.02-20.02.2019 // FK Lobby // Exhibition organised by Petra Haikonen

21.02-14.03.2019 // FK Lobby // Exhibition organised by Elina Kuusisto-Korczak

22.02-07.03.2019 // V1 Gallery // 'Seeing sound, Listening to image' Exhibition organised by Lee Cheong Un

01.03-21.03.2019 // Main Lobby // Exhibition organised by Nathalie Lautenbacher

02.03-10.03.2019 // V2 Gallery // ‘Harmony-dissonance’ Exhibition organised by Antton Nuotio 

08.03.2019 // Product Launch organised by Pirita Posti

11.03-30.03.2019 // V1 Gallery, V2 Gallery // ‘OCCUPY EARTH’ Exhibition organised by ViCCA course in collaboration with Parsons School of Design in New York

14.03-26.03.2019 // F Lobby // “Ways of Making 2: Constructing sculpture from wood and metal” course exhibition organised by Jukka Lehtinen

15.03-29.03.2019 // FK Lobby // Fashion History course work - Exhibition organised by Elina Peltonen

18.03-25.03.2019 // Kipsari Lobby // Exhibition organised by Virpi Vesanen-Laukkanen

19.03-12.04.2019 // FE Lobby // "Figured mind Creative methods in Surface Design” exhibition organised by Laura Isoniemi 

23.03.2019 // Main Lobby // AYY Event organised by Niko Ferm

25.03-31.03.2019 // LQ Lobby // Exhibition organised by Virpi Vesanen-Laukkanen

28.03-30.01.2019 // F Lobby // Sculptural Installation organised by Aija Hannula

27.03-12.04.2019 // F Lobby, Kipsari Lobby, K Corridor // Exhibition organised by Inka Nieminen

Spring Exhibitions:

01.04-22.04.2019 // LQ Lobby // Finalists International Competition of Landscape Architecture

01.04-05.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Aalto strategy related voting station at Väre organised by Tarja Peltoniemi 

02.04-15-04.2019 // FE Lobby // 'New Materials and Means of Production' Exhibition organised by Oldouz Moslemian

02.04.2019 // V2 Gallery // Sara Urbanski MA presentation

03.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Filming across Väre and A BLOCK organised by Noora Stapleton

03.04-17.04.2019 // FK Lobby // ‘Structure - Rakenn’ Ceramic Workshop, Art Education students

05.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Event organised by Mary-Ann Alfthan

06.04-22.04.2019 // LQ Lobby // ‘Experiment: Language’ - BA Students in Visual Communication Design exhibition organised by Arja Karhumaa

08-18.04.2019 // V1 Gallery // ´(Non) Sense´ Exhibition of UWAS-C0044 Multisensorial Art and Design Practices - Exhibition organised by Riikka Latva-Somppi

09.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Career Services of Aalto University event organised by Heidi-Maaria Flinkman

09.04-26-04.2019 // FE Lobby // ‘A Bolt Out of The Blue Woven Shibori' by Jiayi Ma

13.04-30.04.2019 // F Lobby // MA Thesis Exhibition organised by Greta Salonen

15.04-08.05.2019 // Bridge // Architecture Department - Masters Theses organised by Ransu Helenius

15.04-29.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Building Technology and Basics of Architecture from the Department of Architecture exhibition organised by Osma Lindroos

15.04-06.05.2019 // Kipsari Lobby, K Corridor // Landscape Architecture exhibition organised by Varpu Mikola

18.04-03.05.2019 // FK Lobby // BA Architecture Course work - "Kalustesuunnittelu III B"

26.04.2019 // V1 Gallery // Don't Shop, SWAP! (Part of the Fashion Revolution Week) organised by Manuel Arias Barrantes 

27.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Event organised by Elina Karjalainen

29.04-13.05.2019 // FE Lobby // ‘Plastic Crush’ MA Project by Orcum Erdem

29.04.2019 // Main Lobby // Learning Services Event organised by Tiina Kotti

01.05-19.05 // V1 Gallery // VICCA Images, Tropes and Narratives course exhibition organised by Johanna Ketola

01.05-19.05.2019 // V2 Gallery // 'Fibres & layers-material thoughts on/with wool' exhibition by Bilge Merve Aktas

01.05-15.05.2019 // F Lobby // ‘Maestro Xs Grand Symphony' - An Exhibition by students of Ways of Making 3 - Kinetic and robotic sculpture

06.05-17.05.2019 // FK Lobby // ‘From Structure to Product and Production’ Exhibition

07.05-15.05.2019 // Main Lobby, Kipsari Lobby // ‘The Art of Heat' Exhibition

07.05-19.05.2019 // K Corridor // Exhibition organised by Esa Vesmanen

16.05-31.05 // Kipsari Lobby // Other Intelligences Course Exhibition-UWAS

16.05-31.05 // F Lobby // Aistipaviljonkinäyttely' Exhibition from Concrete Architecture Department

17.05.2019 // Main Lobby // Urban Academy and the Living+ Platform event 'The change of the subway and train stations (“Asemanseudut muutoksessa”)

20.05-03.06.2019  // Piano Lobby // Creative Coding Course Exhibition-UWAS

20.05-05.06.2019 // V1 Gallery, V2 Gallery, Bridge // BA Design - Artistic Expression. Exhibition organised by Petra Haikonen & Raija Malka

20.05-31.05.2019 // FK Lobby // Visual Communication Design BA students course Koe: Koe organised by Penni Osipow

20.05-07.06.2019 // Main Lobby, K Corridor, FE Lobby // BoA’19 Exhibition: ‘Design has entered Otaniemi

Summer Exhibitions:

01.06-21.06.2019 // FK Lobby // Exhibition organised by Gianluca Giabardo

06.06-27.06.2019 // V1 Gallery // MA Thesis exhibition organised by Liisa Poskiparta

06.06-11.06.2019 // V2 Gallery // Exhibition organised by Erika Hirsimäki

10.06-15.06.2019 // Main Lobby // Exhibition organised by Tatu Pohjola

13.06-27.06.2019 // FE Lobby // Fashion – Places and Spaces, Summer School Exhibition

17.06-12.07.2019 // Main Lobby // Hanasaari Re-Use

01.07-15.01.2019 // V1 Gallery, V2 Gallery // Soft Robotics Exhibition by Avner Peled

10.08-20-08.2019 // V1 Gallery // Design for End of Life Care: Organised by Laura Arpiainen

21.08-31.08 // V1 Gallery // ‘CIRCUITBREAKER' by Samir Bhownik

Autumn Exhibitions:

04.09-26.09.2019 // K Corridor // 'Urban Transitions and Futures' as part of Helsinki Design Week

04.09-26.09.2019 // FE Lobby // ‘Circwood’ as part of Helsinki Design Week

04.09-26.09.2019 // FK Lobby // ‘Newsilk’ as part of Helsinki Design Week

04.09-26.09.2019 // V1 Gallery // ‘Nordic Rebels’ as part of Helsinki Design Week

04.09-26.09.2019 // V2 Gallery // ‘Suomi 100 years Cruise Ship’ as part of Helsinki Design Week

04.09-26.09.2019 // Main Lobby // ‘Urban Facades’ as part of Helsinki Design Week

04.09-26.09.2019 // LQ Lobby // ‘CoCea, Fold & Sustain, Package projects’ as part of Helsinki Design Week

25.09-27.09 // Kipsari Lobby // 3DKERA Pop-up Exhibition: Organised by Nur Horsanali

30.09-30.10.2019 // Bridge // Department of Architecture Masters Theses: Organised by Ransu Helenius

01.10-15.10.2019 // V1 Gallery // Tuuli Saarelainen: M.A. Thesis work

02.10.2019 // Main Lobby, LQ Lobby, FE Lobby, FK Lobby, K Corridor, F Lobby // EIT Festival & Hackathon

04.10-18.10.2019 // FK Lobby // The City of Szymborska by Xu Xiaoyi

04.10-25.10.2019 // LQ Lobby // Finalists International Competition of Landscape Architecture programmes: Organised by Juanjo Galan

08.10-10.10.2019 //  K Corridor // Landmark 30 Exhibition: Organised by Meri Mannerla-Magnusson

10.10.2019 // Main Lobby, FE Lobby, LQ Lobby, K Corridor, Kipsari Lobby // Shaking Up Tech

10.10-27.11.2019 // V2 Gallery // Gloria Lauterbach 'Storm-Sing-Along, exhibited'

11.10-22.10.2019 // Main Lobby // ‘Zero Gravity 2.0' Exhibition Organised by Günther Filz, Athanasios Markou and Serenay Elmas

14.10-22.10.2019 // FE Lobby // ‘Visual-ized Me' Course exhibition: Organised by Laura Isoniemi

16.10-22.10.2019 // F Lobby // ‘Electricity at Large' UWAS Course Exhibition: Organised by Gregoire Rousseau

16.10-31.10.2019 // K Corridor // Critical Practices course of MA FaCT and CoDe Exhibition: Organised by Julia Lohmann and Namkyu Chun

17.10-31.10.2019 // Kipsari Lobby // ‘WOOD FIRED' Exhibition: Organised by Nathalie Lautenbacher in collaboration with GULDAGERGAARD Summer School 2019, Skaelskör, Denmark

23.10-24.10.2019 // F Lobby // Ceramic Course Critique: Organised by Eeva Jokinen

23.10-29.10.2019 // Main Lobby // Discourse in Design’ Course Exhibition: MA Visual Communication Design Programme: Organised by Arja Karhumaa and Robynn McPherson

24.10-21.11.2019 // V1 Gallery // ClimATE Exhibition: 'To Flavour Our Tears: AnthroAquaponics Systems' by The Center for Genomic Gastronomy

24.10.2019 // FK Lobby, LQ Lobby // BA Design course in 3D Printing and Ceramics- Launch Event: Organised by Cindy Kohtala and Oscar Person

25.10-08.11.2019 // FE Lobby, F Lobby, FK Lobby // Textiles Today Summit Exhibition-FaCT, DoD: Organised by Maarit Salolainen

28.10-14.11.2019 // V2 Gallery // Meri Oivo: M.A. Thesis work 'Product + Spatial Design Program' - Hauras maisema – Näyttely

30.10-01.11.2019 // Main Lobby // ELO 60 Short Film Competition: Organised by Jonna Utriainen and Ilkka Mertsola 

01.11-14.11.2019 // K Corridor // Design BA1 Course Exhibition: Organised by Nathalie Lautenbacher

02.11-14.11.2019 // Main Lobby // ELO 60 Exhibition: Organised by Susanna Suurla

08.11-14.11.2019 // Kipsari Lobby // ARK-E1008 Mazzano Romano Workshop Exhibition: Organised by Egle Pilipaviciute

14.11-21.11.2019 // G203 workshop // ‘Sonic Sculpture' Course Exhibition: Organised by Derek Holzer

14.11-29.11.2019 // F Lobby // ‘Tensile Structure' Building Technology: Department of Architecture Exhibition: Organised by Elina Koivisto

15.11-17.11.2019 // Main Lobby, FE Lobby, LQ Lobby, FK Lobby, Kipsari Lobby,  K Corridor, F Lobby // Hackathon Junction 2019

22.11-06.12.2019 // V1 Gallery // ‘Borderline' A collaborative exhibition by Sara Urbanski & Piia Jalkanen

22.11-09.12.2019 // LQ Lobby // ‘The Anthrobscene' Media and the Environment course Exhibition: Organised by Samir Bhowmik

23.11.2019 // Main Lobby // Information networks Guild Athene-Annual ball-20th anniversary celebration

Winter Exhibitions:

03.12.2019-13.01.2020 // FK Lobby // Experimental Textile Design Course Exhibition: Organised by Oldouz Moslemian and Eeva Suorlahti

04.12-18.12.2019 // Kipsari Lobby // ‘Visiting Other Pasts' Course Exhibition: Organised by Kaisa Lassinaro

09.12.2019-10.01.2020 // V1 Gallery // `Sound of Alchemy` exhibition by Rainer Paananen

09.12.2019-10.01.2020 //  V2 Gallery // `Your Gaze is a Loaded Gun` exhibition by Noora Isoeskeli

12.12-14.12.2019 // K Corridor // ‘Wooden Bridge' Building Technology: Department of Architecture Exhibition: Organised by Elina Koivisto

13.12.2019-09.01.2020 // LQ Lobby // `Functional Clothing and Material` course exhibition by Ilona Hyötyläinen

12.12.2019 // Main Lobby, K Corridor // Performances as part of 'Mediums & dimensions' course organised by Pia Euro

17.12.2019 // Main Lobby // Tekstiilimallisto: BA Fashion & BA Design - Course Critique organised by Anna-Mari Leppisaari

Wood and Clay course exhibition organised by Nathalie Lautenbacher, Väre Main Lobby, March 2019

Väre Exhibitions

Väre Exhibitions, School of Art, Architecture and Design

Research & Art
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Previous Väre Exhibitions 2020

List of previous exhibitions at Väre 2020

Research & Art
Aalto betaspace, an exhibition venue for students at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture / photo by Julia Weckman.

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How can we make space for unexpected ways of looking at the world? Galleries and exhibition venues are co-produced spaces for action, bringing together the knowledge, content, vision, and passion of different agents.

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