Research & Art

Creativity in Action: Creative Spaces

Click here to see images and stories from laboratories and workshops as sites of experimentation
Food Technology Laboratory, University of Technology. Photo: Aalto University Archives
Food Technology Laboratory, University of Technology. Photo: Aalto University Archives

Creativity in Action: Creative Spaces - Laboratories and workshops as sites of experimentation

Having dedicated facilities working across disciplines for encouraging creativity has been a long tradition in Aalto University. Fully-equipped workshops and laboratories have made a real contribution to knowledge exchange,  hands-on learning and experimentation followed by reflection. 

Students, researchers and academics interacting within and across those spaces enhance multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary learning and research through the co-creation of ideas, processes, and research outcomes in engaging and entertaining ways. Educational tradition of Aalto University with a distinctive student centred approach aims to unfold creative potential with critical thinking and collaborative work by providing facilities to bring artistic interventions into everyday life. 

This section of the exhibition aims to briefly introduce co-working spaces such as workshops and laboratories of Aalto University as spaces of creativity with a significant role they have in building a community by connecting people, ideas and resources.

'Creativity in Action: The Spirit of Student Life' Online Exhibition

Creativity in Action Exhibition-Design By Emery Norton

Creativity in Action: The Spirit of Student Life

Creativity in Action: The Spirit of Student Life

Research & Art
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