Research & Art

Creativity in Action: AYY Archives. Aalto University Student Union

Contributions to 'Creativity in Action-The Spirit of Student Life' online exhibition.
AYY logo_Aalto University Student Union
AYY10 logo_Aalto University Student Union

History is always told from a present perspective. It cannot escape this essential feature: We cannot go back in time. However we can see into the past through various fragments. Fragments can be moments captured in photographs – real, surreal, staged or a mix. A viewer has a perspective, which is something one must always bear in mind.  Source criticism is in the core of historical analysis, but history is not the truth nor is it fact. A photograph is taken through an objective, but the image is always subjective. By watching photographs of student life we can see glimpses of what was deeply meaningful or just simply fun for previous generations. We can sense some of the spirit of student life. And if it moves us? It is because of our own perspective, our connection with the past.

Ahto Harmo.

Arkistonhoitaja, Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunta (AYY)

Arkivarie, Aalto universitetets studentkår (AUS) 

Archivist, Aalto University Student Union (AYY)

0400-196577 |

'Creativity in Action: The Spirit of Student Life' Online Exhibition

Creativity in Action Exhibition-Design By Emery Norton

Creativity in Action: The Spirit of Student Life

Creativity in Action: The Spirit of Student Life

Research & Art
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