Research & Art

Aalto Distinguished Professors

The title Aalto Distinguished Professor is granted to a professor whose merits are exceptionally significant.

The president may appoint an Aalto University professor with exceptionally significant merits as an Aalto Distinguished Professor.

Olli Ikkala. Kuva: Lasse Lecklin.

Olli Ikkala (emeritus)

Aalto Distinguished Professor 5.9.2018 -

Olli Ikkala appointed Aalto Distinguished Professor Personal profile Olli Ikkala Professor Ikkala work focuses on the development of new functional materials. Ikkala works at the Department of Applied Physics at the School of Science.

Aalto Distinguished Professor Risto Ilmoniemi. Photo: Mikko Raskinen

Risto Ilmoniemi (emeritus)

Aalto Distinguished Professor 7.9.2021 -

Risto Ilmoniemi appointed Aalto Distinguished Professor

Personal profile Risto IlmoniemiIlmoniemi's professorship is in the field of applied physics, and he has focused on the development of methods and equipment for brain research, and in particular on magnetic stimulation of the brain. He works at the School of Science.

Aalto distinguished professor Maarit Karppinen

Maarit Karppinen

Aalto Distinguished Professor 8.9.2017-

Personal profile Maarit KarppinenProfessor Karppinen has performed pioneering work on new materials for the next generation energy and nanotechnologies. She works at the School of Chemical Engineering.

Matti Keloharju, photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

Matti Keloharju

Aalto Distinguished Professor 31.8.2015-

Matti Keloharju promoted as Aalto Distinguished Professor Personal profile Matti KeloharjuProfessor Keloharju is regarded as one of the leading researchers in the field of finance, with primary research interests in investor behavior. He works at the School of Business.


Visa Koivunen

Aalto Distinguished Professor 1.9.2020 -

Visa Koivunen appointed Aalto Distinguished Professor

Person profile Visa KoivunenProfessor Koivunen has made fundamental contributions, especially in the areas of statistical signal processing, multisensor systems, data science, radio frequency sensing and future cognitive, fully adaptive and multifunction radars. Moreover, he has developed machine learning methods for multisensor systems with applications in wireless localization, health monitoring, smart grid and the Internet of Things. He works at the School of Electrical Engineering.

Aalto-professori Riitta Salmelin

Riitta Salmelin

Aalto Distinguished Professor 5.9.2023–

Riitta Salmelin appointed Aalto Distinguished Professor

Person profile Riitta Salmelin

Professor Riitta Salmelin’s research area is systemic and cognitive neuroscience. She has worked at the forefront of science in the area of ​​non-invasive brain imaging. Salmelin has applied brain imaging to the study of language function as a part of human cognition and on the other hand, has utilized the research results in the development of imaging methods. She works at  the School of Science.

CHEM_CMET_Jukka Seppälä

Jukka Seppälä (emeritus)

Aalto Distinguished Professor 6.9.2022 -

Person profile Jukka SeppäläProfessor Seppälä’s field is polymer chemistry and engineering. His research is based on polymer synthesis and polymer reaction engineering that can be used to control structure and property correlations. This includes development of closed and circular polymer processes, use of renewable raw materials and research of biodegradable polymers.

He works at the School of Chemical Engineering.

Olli Varis, kuva: Adolfo Vera

Olli Varis

Aalto Distinguished Professor 3.9.2019-

Person profile Olli VarisProfessor Varis is an internationally recognized researcher in water and environmental issues, with a specialization in water resources as well as the interactions between development, environment and sustainable use of natural resources. He is especially renowned for his research in the area of growth economies in Asia. He works at the School of Engineering.

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