
Turkka Keinonen

Turkka Keinonen (doctor of arts) is a professor of industrial design, vice dean of research and head of doctoral education at Aalto University.
Turkka Keinonen
Turkka Keinonen

Turkka Keinonen (doctor of arts) is a professor of industrial design, vice dean of research and head of doctoral education at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Previously Keinonen has worked as industrial designer for Finnish technology industries including ship building, paper machinery and medical equipment, been a principal research scientist at Nokia Research Center and visiting associate professor at National University of Singapore. Keinonen’s publications include Mobile Usability (2003), Product Concept Design (2006), Designers, Users and Justice (2017) and about 100 other publications on human centred design, product concept design, design strategy and ethics of human centred design. 

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