Takayuki Hiraoka

Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher
T313 Dept. Computer Science
Full researcher profile

Research groups

  • Professorship Saramäki J., Research Fellow


Estimating inter-regional mobility during disruption: Comparing and combining different data sources

Sara Heydari, Zhiren Huang, Takayuki Hiraoka, Alejandro Ponce de Leon Chavez, Tapio Ala-Nissila, Lasse Leskelä, Mikko Kivelä, Jari Saramäki 2023 Travel Behaviour and Society

The strength and weakness of disease-induced herd immunity

Takayuki Hiraoka, Abbas K. Rizi, Zahra Ghadiri, Mikko Kivelä, Jari Saramäki 2023 arXiv.org

Herd immunity and epidemic size in networks with vaccination homophily

Takayuki Hiraoka, Abbas K. Rizi, Mikko Kivelä, Jari Saramäki 2022 Physical Review E

Adaptive and optimized COVID-19 vaccination strategies across geographical regions and age groups

Jeta Molla, Alejandro Ponce de León Chávez, Takayuki Hiraoka, Tapio Ala-Nissila, Mikko Kivelä, Lasse Leskelä 2022 PLoS computational biology

Individual-driven versus interaction-driven burstiness in human dynamics

Jeehye Choi, Takayuki Hiraoka, Hang Hyun Jo 2021 Physical Review E

Modeling temporal networks with bursty activity patterns of nodes and links

Takayuki Hiraoka, Naoki Masuda, Aming Li, Hang-Hyun Jo 2020 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Burst-tree decomposition of time series reveals the structure of temporal correlations

Hang Hyun Jo, Takayuki Hiraoka, Mikko Kivelä 2020 Scientific Reports

Waiting-Time Paradox in 1922

Naoki Masuda, Takayuki Hiraoka 2020 Northeast Journal of Complex Systems

Bursty Time Series Analysis for Temporal Networks

Hang-Hyun Jo, Takayuki Hiraoka 2019 Temporal Network Theory